2015 Muskingum Township Minutes
Jan-Dec 2015 Mtg. Minutes
January 5, 2015
The Muskingum Township Trustee met in special session on January 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building for the purpose of the 2015 Re-Organizational Meeting.
Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
Nomination of President:
Fell nominated Mike Maniaci for President, Hittle seconded. Maniaci ayed.
Nomination of Burial Committee:
Maniaci motion to have Matt Hittle and Ed Fell on the Burial Committee. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Emergency Labor:
Maniaci motion that emergency labor paid as following:
$12.00 per hour with a CDL license and $10.00 per hour without. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Public Records Policy:
Maniaci made motion to adopt our current township public records policy.
Public records will be provided in a timely manner.
Charge will be: $.05 per page, $2.50 for cassette tape, going rate of a flash drive. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Credit Card Policy:
Maniaci made a motion to continue and accept our current credit card policy.
All three trustees, fiscal officer, township maintenance workers will have access to the cards.
The limits for all cards will be $150 per transaction. If over that amount, permission must be obtained by township trustees. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Township Equipment:
Maniaci made the motion that the Township equipment can be operated by all road crew and trustees or any other person who has been authorized by the trustees or road crew to do so. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
2015 Temporary Appropriations:
Maniaci motioned adoption of the Annual Temporary Appropriations Resolution for fiscal year December 31, 2015 (per O.R.C. 5705.38) until the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources is adopted and received from the Office of Budget Commission, Muskingum County, Ohio. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Annual Inventory:
Maniaci stated the inventory is complete and will be submitted to the County Engineer by second week of January per O.R.C. 505.04.
Records Commission:
The Records Commission, according to O.R.C. 149.42 will consist of a Chairman of the Board; this being Mike Maniaci and the Fiscal Officer, Jason Baughman will be the Records Commission. Maniaci made the motion, seconded by Fell. Hittle ayed.
Mileage Reimbursement:
Maniaci motion that employees/elected officials who are authorized to use their private vehicles for township business such as conferences, training, etc. will be reimbursed at the standard mileage reimbursement rate established by the I.R.S. of 57.5 cents per mile which is allowable under the O.R.C. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Township Meetings:
Maniaci moved to keep the regular monthly township meetings the first Thursday of every month.
Notice will be posted in the newspaper once, on the website and posted monthly on the sign in the front of the township.
Special meetings will be posted on the website, sign out in the front of the township hall and newspaper at least 24 hours before the meeting. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Personal Files Policy:
Maniaci motioned to appoint the fiscal officer to have control of all storage and distribution of personnel files and information.
All personnel files will be in a locked filing cabinet maintain request log, if there is a question of what can or cannot be released, fiscal officer is to contact legal counsel, Bud Chess. Violation may result in written reprimand issued from the prosecutor’s office and could lead to termination depending on the situation.
Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Public Records Training:
Maniaci motioned to be designated to satisfy the public records training requirement per ORC 109.43. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
January 5, 2015
The Muskingum Township Records Commission met on January 5, 2015 following the 7 P.M. Re-organizational meeting held in the Fire Building.
Chairman Mike Maniaci and Fiscal Officer Jason T. Baughman were present.
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that he had no records at the present time to get rid of.
Maniaci made a motion, that the commission has no records to discuss at this time and no records to dispose of at this present time.
Fiscal Officer Baughman seconded motion, all ayed.
All other records will remain as they are at the present time.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Baughman. All ayed.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Mike Maniaci Jason T. Baughman, CPA
Chairman Fiscal Officer
February 5, 2015
The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on February 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
Residents: 5 resident in attendance.
The December 29, 2014 End of year meeting minutes were read and approved.
The January 5, 2015 Re-Organizational meeting minutes were read and approved.
The January 5, 2015 Records Commission meeting minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Lowes Grant: Maniaci followed-up on the Lowes Grant application with Ed Winaught for a generator. Maniaci completed the paperwork for the application and just need to include our W9 from Fiscal Officer Baughman. Maniaci will inquire with Ed Winaught about appropriate size and pricing that would support our effort toward making our township buildings an emergency shelter.
Snow Plowing: Maniaci indicated that Troy is coming along slowly on his plowing routes and the Matt and Ed agreed that they would get Charlie out with Troy on his routes to train and work with him a little more.
Public Records: Maniaci indicated he finished the 3 hour public records training at the Columbus Township conference.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: January 2015.
Fire Runs: 1 Emergency A.R.T. 19:00
1 Non-Emergency A.R.T. 11:00
1 Other A.R.T. 5:29
EMS Runs: 1 run (dispatch to scene) A.R.T. 9:38
Falls Township:
Maniaci indicated Mark Brown from Falls are focused on moving toward a fire district and beginning here in 2015 they are bring someone in to do a study and proposal on the fire district.
2012-2013 Audit:
Maniaci stated he attended the closing meeting for our 2012-2013 Township Audit with our Fiscal Officer and the Auditor up in Cambridge. Our Audit resulted in a clean audit with zero findings and congratulated our Fiscal Officer Baughman on his work and the results.
Century Link:
Maniaci presented application from Century Link for trustees authorization of allowing permit for work on buried service wires located and across Prior Road. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Buckeye Trail:
Maniaci presented letter received from Michele Heyer from Buckeye Hills Hocking Valley Regional Development Council, regarding extending Muskingum Recreational Buckeye trail running south of Rock Cut Road and our support. Maniaci motioned to support this portion of the trail running through our township. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
County Recorder:
Maniaci presented a letter from County Recorder indicating changes to O.R.C. 723.4 and 723.5 involving changes to road name changes and vacating or narrowing of streets.
Health Department:
Maniaci indicated letter received about completing annual back flow testing. Maniaci indicated Curtis and Professional Plumbing has already completed this.
Annual Mileage:
Maniaci read and trustees certified annual road mileage received from County Engineer certifying our annual road inventory. The total mileage is 47.362 miles.
Curtis Salmons:
Curtis indicated that he will need to have some additional surgery on his rotator cuff and will be out for some time again and we would need to work around and cover him with the roads and plowing as he is off.
TIF: Maniaci indicate an email received inquiring about the effect of TIF's (Transportation Improvement Funding) in our township. Maniaci indicated that there is no TIF that we are aware of.
Annual Meeting with County Engineer:
Manaici stated he is still waiting on information our scheduled time to meet with County Engineer about our Type 1 and Type 2 funds for 2015.
Shared Services:
Commissioner Porter discussed shared services. He referenced a David Brann that was at the Ohio Township Conference discussing county and township relationships and shared service between them. These counties and townships share road and maintenance services on roads that they cross. This is a cost effective trade-off and something everyone should discuss and look into.
Maniaci indicated they would look into and discuss more at next meeting about rejuvenator of roads for 2015 after meeting with the Engineer. Commissioner Porter asked if they were aware of Public Works, District 18 money for these types of projects and should explore this avenue as other alternatives of funding for projects like these and use of Type 1 and Type 2 funds.
Salt Supply:
Mrs. Cohagen inquired about our salt supply. Maniaci indicated that we are loaded, still approximately 200 tons available.
Mastic Surface Treatment:
Maniaci indicated another road surface we will look into is the Mastic Surface Treatment which runs approximately $1.25 to $1.55 square yard.
Jay Butler:
Hittle stated that Jay Butler stated the owner of the apartments on Baabs Road was inquiring and wants to build more apartments and about zoning in our township which Hittle stated that we had no zoning in our township.
Cell Phone Policy:
Hittle indicated that Troy was inquiring on cell phones. Maniaci stated and motioned that we adopt another policy for cell phone where we reimburse township road employees of $40 per month reimbursement and will turn in copy of their cell phone receipt for support of payment received for the Fiscal Officer's records. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Chardon Residents and Storage Units:
Mrs. Cohagen asked if anything has been determined with the storage units on Chardon. Maniaci stated they have an association and would have to address any legal motions themselves. Commissioner Lacy indicated that if they have an association and it is on record with the recorder and as long as they as the association continue to renew and not let restriction expire then they could move on this and must abide by the restrictions set forth in the association.
Fund Balance Carryover Policy:
Maniaci stated that we need to adopt a Fund Balance policy per our Audit. Maniaci motioned that we adopt Fund Balance Policy stating that any Fund Balance Carryover will be appropriated first from general fund with no restrictions. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Commissioner Porter asked Maniaci how he could make a motion being president of the board. Maniaci indicated that per O.R.C. board of trustees is just considered a 3 person board. The president of board of trustees is merely a title and just acts as trustee like the others.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
March 2015 Regular Mtg. Minuntes
March 5, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:
The February 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved as read.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Lowes Grant:
Maniaci updated status on the Lowes Generator Grant. Curtis indicated the fire building is already wired to hold a generator.
Salt Supply Update:
Curtis indicated that we had about 70-80 tons remaining at this time.
Gary Wilson Update:
Maniaci stated he spoke with Gary Wilson of CAMM construction as Gary was inquiring about how the chip-seal patching was holding up for us. Maniaci indicated other than a few small cracks in Eaglepoint the patching was holding up fine right now. Maniaci indicated we should look into applying smaller patching areas to get more surface area coverage out of the cost in the future.
Annual Certificate Estimated Resources 2015:
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented to the trustees the Permanent Annual Appropriations Resolutions of Estimated Resources for 2015 for adoption. Maniaci moved the adoption of the Muskingum Township, fiscal year ending December 31, 2015 Permanent Annual Appropriations Resolution appropriated as detailed by fund provided in the appropriation status and budget report of $652,141.49. Resources from 2014 balance carryover $59,804.29, resources from property tax $382,520.08 and resources from other sources of $209,817.12. Matt Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Maniaci presented letter from indicated cost of culverts from Carter Lumber for 2015 of $100. Curtis indicated that he shops around to see pricing to get the best deal available.
Stop Sign McCaslin Road: Hittle indicated received a call from Sheriff about stop sign down on McCaslin Road due to a wreck. Curtis stated that was a county road. Hittle would follow-up with the sheriff's department.
Chip-Seal Roads Gravel and Limestone:
Maniaci discussed with Curtis roads that were chip-sealed in 2014. Dresden Road, Squirrel, Dutch School, Stagecoach, Jones, Fawn, Fulton, New Riley. Maniaci wanted to review the roads that we did last year and trustees will look into identifying the roads we want to chip-seal in 2015.
Chip-Seal Bids for 2015:
Maniaci discussed with trustees about bidding out limestone and gravel again this year. The trustees agreed to bid out approximately 1600 tons. The trustees discussed using gravel vs. limestone and would discuss more and decide as bids and pricing is received. The gravel runs about $20.75. The trustees also discussed Commissioner Porter's recommendation of also bidding out the chip-seal and opportunities available other than the county engineers.
Mowing Cemetery 2015:
Maniaci indicated Jerry Miller has offered and agreed to continue to mowing of cemetery and township hall in 2015 at the same contract pricing as in 2014. The price would be $464 for 7 months. Maniaci motioned to accept the offer from Twin Hills Landscaping of $464 for 7 months. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Meeting with County Engineer 2015:
Maniaci indicated that they are still waiting on date and time from the county engineer to meet to discuss 2015 projects and funds available to us for 2015.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: February 2015:
There was no information available at time of meeting and will be reported at next regular meeting.
Annual Financial Report and Audit:
Fiscal Officer Baughman wanted to indicate that the 2015 Annual Financial Report and 2012-2013 Audit is available for inspection and notice will be posted in the paper also.
Monthly Meetings:
Hittle indicated he had conversation with other township trustees on the use of the newspaper to publicize their monthly meetings, the utilization of the free community calendar service and incorporating trustees and fiscal officer names in the notices. Trustees agreed to look into utilizing the free community calendar service when available and recognizing the trustees and fiscal officer names in such listings in the future.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
April 2, 2015
The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on April 2, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
Residents: 1 resident in attendance.
The March 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved. Checks were approved and signed.
Salt Supply Update:
Maniaci stated that trustees all agree due to our current salt supply and storage options, we don’t need to pursue the summer salt purchase agreement and can wait until the winter purchasing program is available
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Zanesville City Schools, Attn: Matt Hittle for 8 ton of salt purchased for $135 per ton, $1,080.00.
Fleming/Schlaegel Shannon Road Dispute:
Maniaci presented a copy of a court summons received stating that Mr. James Fleming filed a Complaint and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order on his Shannon Road property. The dispute continues over the abandon road, right-a-way, “Schlaegel Property,” between Fleming and Schlaegel. Maniaci stated he spoke with Bud Chess and presented and email from Bud indicating that he was in the process of preparing a response on behalf of both the County Commissioners and the Township to the recent complaint of James Fleming with our position the case is a dispute between private property owners and the county and township are only incidental parties to the suit, having no responsibilities for the “road” in question. As for the trustees, Chess recommended we do nothing.
Meeting with County Engineer 2015:
Maniaci indicated our meeting with the county engineer is scheduled for April 23rd at 8:15 to discuss upcoming projects and Type 1 and 2 budgets. Maniaci presented a list of equipment and rates issued by the engineer’s office for 2015. The letter indicates we have 25.3 county miles (rank 19), 47.36 township miles (rank 23), population 3,813 (rank 19) for a total rank 61st. Type 1 fund for 2015 - $963, Type 2 funds - $10,010.26, Total - $11,519.19.
Amended Certificate Estimated Resources 2015:
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated received additional $9,521 (LGF Funds).
Baughman recommended trustees make motion to accept these funds and include them in the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources for 2015 and for appropriation.
Maniaci moved the adoption to include the $9,521 in our 2015 Certificated of Estimated Resources.
Matt Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Chip-Seal Roads Gravel and Limestone:
Maniaci presented Aggregate bid proposal for 1200 tons of #8 Limestone and #8 or #9 gravel.
The Aggregate bid proposal and notice to bidders accepting sealed bids, to be opened at next regular scheduled meeting on May 7, 2015, will be listed in the Times Recorder and listed on the township website.
20/20 Enterprises:
Hittle stated he left a couple messages with 20/20 Enterprises for some chip-seal pricing and getting them to attend the next meeting for a discussion.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: March 2015:
There was no information available at time of meeting and will be reported at next regular meeting.
Hittle discussed issue he was working on with Mr. Cliff Murphy of Harper Drive. Mr. Murphy was having some water issues with his driveway and was looking at contractors to fix his driveway. The driveway issues result of a culvert issues. Hittle discussed with trustees and provided diagram of the layout that requires about 80’ of perforated culvert. Since this is a driveway culvert issue and installation Maniaci stated their not opposed of doing the culvert install as long as Mr. Murphy willing to pay for the 80’ culvert of approximately $400. Fell stated he has been dealing with 3 houses and driveways on Riley Rd. with similar culvert issues and not opposed to do the work as long as they pay for the culverts. Hittle will follow-up with Mr. Murphy about the discussion and paying for the cost of the culvert first before we proceed.
Maniaci indicated we need to send a bill to Lepi for the culvert we installed.
Fell stated we need to send a bill to Weever, Hershberger and Neal for culvert install.
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Brian Williams for 30’ culvert.
Fiscal Officer Baughman will follow-up with sending the invoices for these residents. Baughman recommended to the trustees moving forward have the resident prepay for the culverts. Fell agreed we shouldn’t have to make collection calls and Jason to let the trustees know if we need to follow-up with the resident with collecting payment for the culvert.
Stop Sign McCaslin Road:
As follow-up to McCaslin road stop sign replacement, Hittle stated the stop sign was replaced by the county. Hittle asked what our available on hand supply of road signs we keep at the township. Maniaci indicated we keep stop signs on stock and being a stop sign we just send one of the guys out to replace regardless of county or township as a safety measure.
Northcrest Road:
Hittle indicated so far to-date there has been no problems with Northcrest Road.
Sterling Dump Truck:
Maniaci stated Curtis been having some issues with the clutch in the Sterling and is having it repaired. Maniaci presented trustees a Gizmo that is a control that helps with controlling the salt spreader and would help Troy with controlling the spreader while plowing. Curtis stated the spreader on his truck doesn’t work. Maniaci stated he is going to see Hibner next week as he is taking up the radiator and pictures to show him the new design is different than ours that too we have had issues with. Maniaci stated he told Hibner our dissatisfaction with the truck and hopefully work out something to get some money back. Curtis stated the price on the Gizmo control plus valve would be about $2,175 plus install.
Free Gravel: Thanks to Curtis, with the recent logger activity going on our roads, Curtis was able to get us 60 ton of free gravel.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
___________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
May 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:
The March 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved. Checks were approved and signed.
Salt Supply Update:
Maniaci stated that trustees all agree due to our current salt supply and storage options, we don’t need to pursue the summer salt purchase agreement and can wait until the winter purchasing program is available
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Zanesville City Schools, Attn: Matt Hittle for 8 ton of salt purchased for $135 per ton, $1,080.00.
Fleming/Schlaegel Shannon Road Dispute:
Maniaci presented a copy of a court summons received stating that Mr. James Fleming filed a Complaint and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order on his Shannon Road property. The dispute continues over the abandon road, right-a-way, “Schlaegel Property,” between Fleming and Schlaegel. Maniaci stated he spoke with Bud Chess and presented and email from Bud indicating that he was in the process of preparing a response on behalf of both the County Commissioners and the Township to the recent complaint of James Fleming with our position the case is a dispute between private property owners and the county and township are only incidental parties to the suit, having no responsibilities for the “road” in question. As for the trustees, Chess recommended we do nothing.
Meeting with County Engineer 2015:
Maniaci indicated our meeting with the county engineer is scheduled for April 23rd at 8:15 to discuss upcoming projects and Type 1 and 2 budgets. Maniaci presented a list of equipment and rates issued by the engineer’s office for 2015. The letter indicates we have 25.3 county miles (rank 19), 47.36 township miles (rank 23), population 3,813 (rank 19) for a total rank 61st. Type 1 fund for 2015 - $963, Type 2 funds - $10,010.26, Total - $11,519.19.
Amended Certificate Estimated Resources 2015:
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated received additional $9,521 (LGF Funds).
Baughman recommended trustees make motion to accept these funds and include them in the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources for 2015 and for appropriation.
Maniaci moved the adoption to include the $9,521 in our 2015 Certificated of Estimated Resources.
Matt Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Chip-Seal Roads Gravel and Limestone:
Maniaci presented Aggregate bid proposal for 1200 tons of #8 Limestone and #8 or #9 gravel.
The Aggregate bid proposal and notice to bidders accepting sealed bids, to be opened at next regular scheduled meeting on May 7, 2015, will be listed in the Times Recorder and listed on the township website.
20/20 Enterprises:
Hittle stated he left a couple messages with 20/20 Enterprises for some chip-seal pricing and getting them to attend the next meeting for a discussion.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: March 2015:
There was no information available at time of meeting and will be reported at next regular meeting.
Hittle discussed issue he was working on with Mr. Cliff Murphy of Harper Drive. Mr. Murphy was having some water issues with his driveway and was looking at contractors to fix his driveway. The driveway issues result of a culvert issues. Hittle discussed with trustees and provided diagram of the layout that requires about 80’ of perforated culvert. Since this is a driveway culvert issue and installation Maniaci stated their not opposed of doing the culvert install as long as Mr. Murphy willing to pay for the 80’ culvert of approximately $400. Fell stated he has been dealing with 3 houses and driveways on Riley Rd. with similar culvert issues and not opposed to do the work as long as they pay for the culverts. Hittle will follow-up with Mr. Murphy about the discussion and paying for the cost of the culvert first before we proceed.
Maniaci indicated we need to send a bill to Lepi for the culvert we installed.
Fell stated we need to send a bill to Weever, Hershberger and Neal for culvert install.
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Brian Williams for 30’ culvert.
Fiscal Officer Baughman will follow-up with sending the invoices for these residents. Baughman recommended to the trustees moving forward have the resident prepay for the culverts. Fell agreed we shouldn’t have to make collection calls and Jason to let the trustees know if we need to follow-up with the resident with collecting payment for the culvert.
Stop Sign McCaslin Road:
As follow-up to McCaslin road stop sign replacement, Hittle stated the stop sign was replaced by the county. Hittle asked what our available on hand supply of road signs we keep at the township. Maniaci indicated we keep stop signs on stock and being a stop sign we just send one of the guys out to replace regardless of county or township as a safety measure.
Northcrest Road:
Hittle indicated so far to-date there has been no problems with Northcrest Road.
Sterling Dump Truck:
Maniaci stated Curtis been having some issues with the clutch in the Sterling and is having it repaired. Maniaci presented trustees a Gizmo that is a control that helps with controlling the salt spreader and would help Troy with controlling the spreader while plowing. Curtis stated the spreader on his truck doesn’t work. Maniaci stated he is going to see Hibner next week as he is taking up the radiator and pictures to show him the new design is different than ours that too we have had issues with. Maniaci stated he told Hibner our dissatisfaction with the truck and hopefully work out something to get some money back. Curtis stated the price on the Gizmo control plus valve would be about $2,175 plus install.
Free Gravel: Thanks to Curtis, with the recent logger activity going on our roads, Curtis was able to get us 60 ton of free gravel.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
___________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
June 2015 Regular Mtg. Minuntes
JUNE 4, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:· Brian Newton: Muskingum Valley Park District
The May 7, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Baughman indicated that after Maniaci spoke with Hibner at Western Star our bill for the radiator repair was reduced from $2,616.04 to $786.64.
Passing of former Township Trustee John Bunting:
Maniaci opened meeting with a moment of silence for the Passing of John Bunting and condolences to the Bunting family.
Maniaci stated that the township sent flowers and the Bunting family ask for some stone at the cemetery for the funeral and Curtis took care of this for the family.
Murphy Culvert: Hittle stated Cliff Murphy would pay for the culvert, about 80', and have Jason send him and invoice and schedule Curtis and Troy when payment for the culvert is received.
Salt Bid Update: Maniaci confirmed that we were on the list for salt this year.
Stone Hauling: Maniaci indicated he spoke with Mark Robinson about hauling our stone for $5.50 per ton and was in agreement.
Gravel Bid Price: Hittle indicated that Matt Ross at Shelly Materials indicated that he would lower the gravel price to $10.25 per ton if we supplied our own delivery.
Vista View Noise: Maniaci indicated he spoke with Jim McGreevy about the noise complaint and Mr. McGreevy stated that whatever we said must have worked.
Dana Baldwin (Store-All): Hittle followed up with the status of the Store-All on Chardon Road. Dana indicated that the hold up on the project was in the hands of the banks and has been resolved and project is proceeding.
Maniaci introduced Brian Newton from the Muskingum Valley Park District: Brian discussed the Park District, current and past projects, board, and mission of the organization. Brian indicated that the MVPD owns a portion of the bike trail that runs through Muskingum Township (Rock Cut to Dresden). Brian indicated that if our township has any parks, the MVPD can work with the township on Metro Parks Funds that they have available. Brian indicated that one area the MVPD doesn't have is equipment to maintain the trail or any other projects they do. Brian asks for the township assistance with mowing and some maintenance on the portion of the trail once they finalize the purchase of the portion of Ellis Damn to Rock Cut property. Maniaci indicated that we only mow two times per year. Brian indicated that they would not ask for more than what we already do. Maniaci, Hittle, and Fell all stated their support for the organization and trail and would do what they can when the MVPD finalizes the purchase of the property the trail runs through in our township. Brian stated they hold a monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at the Welcome Center and can be reached at 740-455-8237, mvparkdistrict.org.
Fire & EMS Run Reports:
May: 2 Fire Emergency A.R.T. 9:33
1 Non Emergency A.R.T. 10:00
34 EMS Runs A.R.T. 9:47 (dispatch to scene)
Kenlo Woods: Maniaci stated that Kenlo Woods needs some ditching. Maniaci prepared a letter to send to the residents. Resolution 5-8-2015. Muskingum Township will be doing some ditching in Kenlo Woods the week of 6/8/2015 in preparation for chip-seal. Hittle motioned to accept the Resolution 5-8-2015. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Jan Crawmer: Maniaci indicated that he received some estimates for Kenlo Woods and Applo Way patch work. Kenlo Woods 16,375 sq ft $12,000. Applo Way patch work: $18,630. Total $30,630.
Maniaci received paving estimate from the County Engineer for Applo Way for approximately $36,000.
Maniaci indicated that for $18K more for Applo we could pave the entire road.
Fell motioned to bid out asphalt for Applo Way. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Hittle motioned to accept the $12,000 for asphalt patching estimate from Jan Crawmer for Kenlo Woods. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Dresden Court, Tiffany, Pierre: Maniaci indicated we have discussed a chip-seal with slurry seal option for Dresden Court, Tiffany and Pierre Roads. Maniaci prepared a letter to send to the residents on these roads. The letter indicates the possible options and cost of the repair and input from the residents on these roads. Fell motioned to accept letter to send to the residents. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
July Monthly Meeting Change: Maniaci and trustees agreed to hold the July Regular Township Meeting on Wednesday July 1, 2015 instead of Thursday July 2, 2015. The notice of the date change will be listed in the newspaper and on the township sign.
Enter Executive Session: Maniaci motioned to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing employee personnel benefit package. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Exit Executive Session: Hittle motioned to exit Executive Session and enter back to Regular Session. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
July 2015 Regular Mtg. Minutes
JULY 1, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:
The June 4, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved with following amendments.
Gravel was delivered to the cemetery and not residence for Mr. Bunting’s funeral.
Stone hauling should be Mark Robinson and not Jan Crawmer.
Asphalt patch work estimate was from Jan Crawmer and not Mark Crawmer.
Hittle motioned to accept as amended. Fell seconded. Manaici ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
2 Sealed bids for paving of Applo Way were received and opened. The Shelly Company bid was $41,296.07. The Birkhimer Asphalt bid was $38,339.30. Both bids met bid proposal guidelines and specifications. Hittle indicated good experiences with both bidders. Manaici indicated we can choose the best option and not required to just accept the lowest price. Baughman indicated that from discussion with our options for Dresden Ct. and Tiffany, would it make sense or reduce overall cost if all three were combined. Brad Boyer from Shelly Company indicated that combining projects close like this would help in lowering the cost. Baughman stated the savings from the trustees on the gravel and hauling last month was more than the difference in these bids. Maniaci indicated the county engineer estimated this around $35,882. Mr. Boyer was not able to compare or identify the difference without having estimate from county to compare. Maniaci motioned to accept the Shelly Company bid for $41,296.07. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Maniaci indicated that our salt price bid for this year is $73.86.
Maniaci indicated there was antitrust lawsuit against Morton and Cargill for salt purchased between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2011. We received a claim form to submit for possible claim.
Maniaci indicated Mr. McGreevy called him again about noise. Maniaci went over to Mr. McGreevy’s residence and the noise was minimal and over at 11pm. Maniaci would talk with Mr. Lepi when available.
Maniaci presented trustees revised letters for Dresden Ct., Tiffany, and Pierre with revised estimates. Letters have already been motioned and accepted. Maniaci would hand out to the residence for their feedback on the options available.
Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated all culvert invoices have been mailed.
No Fire & EMS run reports were available at the time of the meeting.
Maniaci indicated that received a call about our road sweeping on Glen Willow Drive. Maniaci indicated he would speak with Curtis and Troy about proper procedures or how they are to address the situation in the future if ever run into this again.
Maniaci indicated received 3 calls regarding high grass on Meadowhaven Road, Creamery, and Georgia. Manaici indicated at this time there was no need to prepare or send any letters as all three have been addressed and taking care of. Hittle indicated the property on Creamery was a Mr. Dawson and was having Dana Baldwin get the property mowed.
Maniaci indicated that it is recommended that we do some patch work on Applo again before we asphalt. Maniaci received estimates from Ryan Patrick from Shelly and Jan Crawmer. Hittle indicated his only concern was using separate contractor for the asphalt paving and the patch work underneath if something happens with road work and who to hold accountable. Maniaci motioned to accept estimate from Jan Crawmer/Birkhimer for patch work on Applo for $11,600. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Maniaci indicated talked with Andy Goss at Goss Supply and we got 24 reflective cones for $16.99 vs. $19.99 original price and what was priced at Tractor Supply and Lowe.
Maniaci indicated that received a call about culvert issue on Carnation. The culvert has a hole in it and needs replaced. Maniaci indicated this has been addressed and taking care of.
MONTHLY MEETING - AUGUST: Maniaci and trustees agreed to hold the August Regular Township Meeting on Wednesday August 5, 2015 instead of Thursday August 6, 2015. The notice of the date change will be listed in the newspaper, website and township sign.
Maniaci indicated he spoke with our County Auditor about assessments. Auditor indicated that there is history of where cities or villages would assess a fee but no past history of where townships would assess fees. Auditor indicated that they are in process of sending out some information and some training material regarding assessments and levies.
Fell indicated received 2 calls from residents on Kenlo about ditching. They indicated there ditch did not need it. Fell spoke with residents and issue has been addressed and taken care of.
Fell indicated that he and Curtis removed a tree that had fallen on Dresden Road.
Fell indicated that received a call about Chugg Run sign missing and need to replace.
Hittle indicated Mr. Flynn indicated the sign missing from Kenlo Woods has since been restored.
Hittle indicated that he returned a call received while out of town. The resident was not from this state and had no idea how he had left message on Hittle's phone. The resident was appreciative of the quick response. Hittle stated that his policy is to try to return call or get back with resident within 24 hours.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
August 5, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on August 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 3 resident in attendance.
The July 1, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Maniaci motioned to accept minutes as read. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci stated that the letters that were prepared and discussed during the June and July meetings have been put on hold until we are finished with chip seal and Applo paving and determine remaining available funds from our 2nd half taxes received to determine if we should proceed with any additional paving projects for 2015 or to postpone and address asphalt paving of Dresden Ct. and Tiffany until 2016.
Maniaci stated that the chip-seal of roads will begin tomorrow August 6th.
Maniaci indicated all mowing with the Creamery Property has been done since the previous meeting.
Maniaci asked if any culvert payments received and for Fiscal Officer to let trustees know when payments come int. Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated culvert payments received from Kim Glass and Rosellen Jenkins. No payments received to date from Dana Baldwin or Cliff Murphy.
JUNE: 24 EMS Runs A.R.T. 10:24 (dispatch to scene)
JULY: 22 EMS Runs A.R.T. 10:36 (dispatch to scene)
No Fire run reports received.
Maniaci indicated he would request from Mark Brown of Falls to provide in writing their policy on soft billing and request the billing for Walnut Hills. Fell indicated that he spoke with a Tammy about the billing and apparently 3 statements are sent and 1 phone call is placed. Ed indicated that we need to get some clarification as soft bill vs. hard billing. Hittle indicated we need to get clarification in writing or policy from Falls. Maniaci would follow-up when Mark gets back from vacation about hard vs. soft billing practice and Walnut Hills billing.
Maniaci indicated that on Frame Road there was work on clearing out a hill for a new home and the water department was working on some water lines. Maniaci indicated that in the back yard of the trailer on the corner has water coming out of the ground. Maniaci indicated the grass is dead and not typical of being septic issue. Maniaci spoke with Madden at the water department. Madden performed a fluoride test. Maniaci indicated still no determination from Madden as the root cause for the water and if it is natural spring or septic issue.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented trustees official certification of Local Government Revenues for 2016 of $8,274.15.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented trustees with 2015 safety grant application and indicated that we could use the safety cone purchase toward this $500 grant this year.
Hittle inquired about status of Chugg Run Sign replacement. Maniaci stated he would get with Curtis to check if we have any signs to replace.
Hittle indicated the sign missing as mentioned in previous meeting minutes was for Tarkman Road and not Kenlo.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fell. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
September 10, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on September 10, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
The August 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Maniaci motioned to accept minutes as read. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci stated the final bill from The Shelly Company for Applo Way paving bid originally estimated at $41,296.07 came in less than originally estimated at $40,532.33.
Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated after the October 2015 Western Star dump truck payment there will be 1 remaining payment due October 2016 for $22,907.97.
Fiscal officer and trustees discussed the employee handbook and clarification on call-out pay vs. overtime. Baughman also recommended we come up with a prior approval form for request with banking comp time instead of paying out in overtime. Maniaci and trustees will look at updating the employee handbook with more clarification on call out pay vs. overtime.
Hittle indicated we need to get Curtis and Troy to get the culvert installed for Rosellen Jenkins since payment has been received as well as Kim Glass.
Maniaci indicated that after discussing with Fiscal Officer Baughman about our available funds to date and the remainder of the year, we will hold off on any additional chip-seal for 2015. Baughman also indicated to date we are still waiting on the statement from the county engineer to see if there is any available funds remaining on the type 1 and 2 funds.
Maniaci indicated we need to follow-up with AEP to get Mr. Fusner removed from the billing or contact information.
Fell inquired about any news on soft billing inquire with Falls. Maniaci indicated that he will follow-up with Mark Brown on this as soon as possible.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented to the trustees the 2016 resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor. The official certificate of estimated resources for 2016 includes estimated carryover of $26,981, taxes $382,520 and amounts from other sources $210,350 for total 2016 budget of $619,852. The amount approved by budget commission inside the 10 mil limitation $300,501. Amount approved from levies outside the 10 mil limitation $111,647. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolutions. Fell seconded the resolutions. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated that he submitted our claim form by the August 7th deadline pursuant to the Attorney General's antitrust suit for our share of the $11.5 million rock salt settlement. The claim covered time period from July 1, 2008 through February 28, 2011. The total purchase of salt from Morton Salt and Cargill during the time frame was 400.64 tons for a total of $23,421. Our claim information was filed timely and the amount of any settlement due is to be determined.
AUGUST: 22 EMS Runs A.R.T. 8:31 (dispatch to scene)
2 Emergency A.R.T. 10:20
1 Other A.R.T. 8:00
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fell. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
October 1, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on October 1, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
The September 10, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Maniaci motioned to accept minutes as read. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Fiscal officer Baughman presented Maniaci Then and Now Purchase Order for payment to Oshkosh Capital for Fire truck payment. Maniaci motioned for approval. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed. Baughman indicated October 2016 will be final payment on the Western Star Dump Truck and August 2018 will be final payment on the Fire Truck.
Fiscal officer Baughman indicated that we need to have Twin Hills Landscaping to indicate how many times they mow during the month on their invoices. We have a contract rate for seven months but still should indicated number of times. Maniaci agreed and Fell agreed for audit purposes.
Maniaci indicated we have a culvert to do on Dur Mel for Brian Hoover.
Hittle stated Kevin Kenily was appreciative for the mowing at the end of Jones Road.
Hittle stated Ms. Jenkins was very pleased with her culver install.
Maniaci indicated Kim Glass was very pleased with his culvert.
We are still waiting to hear back with payment from Cliff Murphy and Dana Baldwin on their culvert install request.
Fell inquired about any news on soft billing inquire with Falls. Fell reiterated that we were told by Falls when they discussed the last two fire levy meetings that they soft bill and their own biller said they don't soft bill. Fell indicated we still need to get Mark Brown and Falls to define their soft billing. Fell indicated that Tammi at Palmer Billing indicated they soft bill Walnut hills. Fell indicated we need to verify our contract and soft billing and amend agreement to clarify if necessary and require Falls to follow-up with a report to us. As part of our contract they are to provide us with a report. Fell indicated that he thinks the bills should indicate some way or another that even though the patient receives a bill they are in no obligation to pay the amount over and above what their insurance has already paid. Hittle also indicated that we as trustee support the contract with Falls and need to follow-up with Falls to verify their soft billing practice and definition as we have expressed our support for Falls and the levies. Maniaci indicated that Mark Brown in response to our request, do we ask our other vendors for invoices. Brown stated he has been over this before. We use the same billing service as always and is based on the type of services. Maniaci indicated there is one right method and one wrong. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that even though we have a contract with Falls, private entity, and whether or not we request vendors to provide us copies of invoices, we are a public entity, receiving public monies which we contract with and pay public monies to Falls for their services. Is there any open government requirement that Falls would fall under since they are receiving public monies for their services even though they are a private entity?
2 Fire Emergency Runs A.R.T. 10:41 (dispatch to scene)
2 Fire Non-Emergency A.R.T. 13:09 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Other A.R.T. 12:08 (dispatch to scene)
17 EMS Runs A.R.T. 9:13 (dispatch to scene)
Maniaci indicated we need to do some patching on Vern Dor Road and Frame Road.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
November 5, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on November 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 3 resident in attendance.
The October 1, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved as amended to state Parmiter Billing and not Palmer Billing. Fell motioned to accept minutes as amended. Hittle seconded. Maniaci ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci opened meeting by congratulating Trustee Matt Hittle and Fiscal Officer Jason Baughman on their re-election.
Mr. Jerome Durant addressed the trustees regarding the work being done with the apartments behind the Exxon station and indicated that drainage along and behind Baabs Road (Mr. Helbling's property) was being backed up and need of repairs. Mr. Durant also expressed concerns about the road conditions of Baabs, Georgia and Carolina and being in need of asphalt repairs. Maniaci addressed Mr. Durant's comments indicating that the issue with Mr. Helbling's property has been a long standing issue and addressed multiple times and during multiple meetings over the past several years. The township has no jurisdiction or authority with the issue surrounding Mr. Helbling's property and any issues needs to be addressed with the county commissioners and Mr. Helbling. Maniaci and Fell indicated they would follow-up with the commissioners but reiterated to Mr. Durant the long history with Mr. Helbling's property and discussions with the commissioners and low expectations to any immediate solutions. Maniaci indicated that we would look into estimates for asphalt and options for Baabs, Georgia and Carolina next year when we start preparing our road repair and chip-seal work for the year.
Mr. Ed Rouan, resident on SAAD Court stated that he had concern with Falls Fire Department taking their fire trucks on SAAD Court and Rollins Drive during trick-or-treat with all the kids on the street and being such a narrow road and turn around. Maniaci and the trustees stated that they would address the concern with Mr. Brown and Falls Fire Department.
Mrs. Mary Kaufman, daughter of Rollin Petry on Conn Road, inquired about the tree overhanging near the bridge on Conn Road and concern with the tree falling and if the trustees could cut the tree down or do anything about the tree. Maniaci and Hittle indicated that if the people that live their will let us cut the tree down we will cut it down.
Maniaci indicated that he spoke with Mark Brown and reiterated to him about getting us invoices and for them to give us an update or report or address one last time at one of our meetings.
Maniaci stated that in case I didn't mention in a prior meeting, we did not qualify for the Lowes generator grant.
Culvert on Dur-Mel Road has been installed.
Maniaci indicated that we need to get a stop sign on Rock Cut Road near the railroad crossing. We will get with Curtis and Troy to get this taking care of.
Maniaci indicated that the county has not resolved the mystery water leak on the property of Frame Road.
Fell indicated he received phone calls and compliments about the mowing done on Prior and Piper roads.
Fiscal Officer Baughman to get receipts to Maniaci for the 2015 $500 Safety Grant application.
Baughman inquired about salt purchase agreement. Hittle and Maniaci indicated we have until March to take 90% of the salt purchase but can start as early as November 1st to start taking salt if needed.
Hittle stated he received a call from Brian Summers on Virginia Road about replacing a steel pipe that marks a drain and would get with Curtis and Troy to get this replaced.
Hittle stated he received a call from appraisal company for a home on Eaglepoint and inquired about any zoning laws in our township which there is no zoning in the township.
Maniaci indicated that we received $712 from our claim to the rock salt anti-trust lawsuit.
1 Fire Emergency Runs A.R.T. 9:58 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Non-Emergency A.R.T. 10:00 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Other A.R.T. 6:42 (dispatch to scene)
31 EMS Runs A.R.T. 8:07 (dispatch to scene)
Hittle presented a letter from Jay Bennett, community development director, requesting a letter of support from the trustees for a Brownfield Grant for the revitalization of vacant and commercial properties in the surrounding area. Maniaci motioned to accept the letter of support. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
December 3, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on December 3, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 1 resident in attendance.
The November 5, 2015 regular minutes were read. Hittle motioned to approve. Fell seconded. Maniaci ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
A check for $150 was received from Larry Brocklehurst for culvert replacement. Ed Fell will verify with Larry the amount paid for the culverts.
Maniaci apologized but he expected someone from Falls Fire to be at the meeting to go on record discussing the soft vs. hard billing issues and some clarification on this issue and some resolution. Maniaci indicated that Brady Johnson is replacing Mark Brown as chief next year. Maniaci stated that Brady indicated to him that once he get authority he would address the issue with us.
Fell will check on the stop signs with Curtis.
Maniaci indicated that this still needs addressed and will get with Curtis about this.
Baughman will get receipts to Maniaci for the safety grant application.
Fell indicated he has not had chance to follow-up regarding Helbling issue from previous meeting but will do.
Maniaci indicated that he will follow-up with Brady from Falls Fire on the fire trucks on Saad and Rollins Road during Halloween.
Hittle indicated that the residents indicated that they approve the removal of the tree. Maniaci indicated that he would discuss with the county about anything they could do to assist and keeping the bridge free from any damage before we address removing it
Maniaci indicated that Bud Chess mentioned that the Schlaegle hearing regarding the Shannon Road property and road is going to mediation and would follow-up as soon as anything new comes up.
Maniaci and Hittle received calls from Lester Vanderbark discussing some tree removal and was concerned with about road limit signs as he was having some logging done on his property.
2 Fire Emergency Runs A.R.T. 9:30 (dispatch to scene)
0 Fire Non-Emergency A.R.T. 0:00 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Other A.R.T. 13:28 (dispatch to scene)
24 EMS Runs A.R.T. 10:02 (dispatch to scene)
The end of the year township meeting will be scheduled for Monday, December 28, 2015 at 7pm. The township sign will be updated and meeting will be listed in the newspaper.
The 2016 re-organizational meeting will be scheduled for Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7pm. The township sign will be updated and meeting will be listed in the newspaper.
Hittle indicated that Conn Road was tore up bad and we need to get Curtis and Troy on some patching before winter.
Trustee Ed Fell presented a check #3840 for $49.50 ($16.50 p/ton) for purchase of approximately 3 ton of gravel.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fell. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
December 28, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee held the 2015 year-end regular meeting on December 28, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
The December 3, 2015 regular minutes were read. Hittle motioned to approve. Fell seconded. Maniaci ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci indicated Curtis is afraid he might drop the tree on the bridge.
Maniaci indicated that the county is going to come out this week to look at it.
Maniaci presented and read a letter Mr. Larry Brocklehurst submitted to the trustees commending Curtis and Troy for the great job they did in putting in his culvert under his driveway and appreciated their time and work they did.
Maniaci indicated we will keep the soft billing on agenda for next year so we don't let it get left behind.
Maniaci indicated part of the road on Rock Cut is in our township and we have 6 months to fix but we still need to get Curtis out there to put out stop signs down on our part near the rail road crossing.
Hittle indicated that the pipe on Virginia road has been fixed.
Baughman presented receipts to Maniaci for the 2015 safety grant application.
Fell indicated he has not spoke to Mr. Helbling but will as soon as possible.
Maniaci indicated he has heard nothing to date or from Bud Chess regarding the Schlaegle property hearing.
The trustees discussed a few properties to keep an eye on and may need to address some clean-up located on: Fawn Road, Gorsuch Road property that burned down, and Gorsuch and Dresden Road with cars needing cleaned up.
No reports available at time of meeting.
The 2016 re-organizational meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7pm will be re-scheduled to Monday, January 11, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the fire building. The township sign will be updated and meeting will be re-listed in the newspaper.
Maniaci indicated he booked his reservation to attend the Annual Ohio Township Association Conference this January.
Maniaci stated that we need to make sure we remind the county Engineer and Matt Russell during our 2016 road budget meeting about the guard rail and bridge on Prior Road that they told us they would take care of for us.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
January 5, 2015
The Muskingum Township Trustee met in special session on January 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building for the purpose of the 2015 Re-Organizational Meeting.
Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
Nomination of President:
Fell nominated Mike Maniaci for President, Hittle seconded. Maniaci ayed.
Nomination of Burial Committee:
Maniaci motion to have Matt Hittle and Ed Fell on the Burial Committee. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Emergency Labor:
Maniaci motion that emergency labor paid as following:
$12.00 per hour with a CDL license and $10.00 per hour without. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Public Records Policy:
Maniaci made motion to adopt our current township public records policy.
Public records will be provided in a timely manner.
Charge will be: $.05 per page, $2.50 for cassette tape, going rate of a flash drive. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Credit Card Policy:
Maniaci made a motion to continue and accept our current credit card policy.
All three trustees, fiscal officer, township maintenance workers will have access to the cards.
The limits for all cards will be $150 per transaction. If over that amount, permission must be obtained by township trustees. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Township Equipment:
Maniaci made the motion that the Township equipment can be operated by all road crew and trustees or any other person who has been authorized by the trustees or road crew to do so. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
2015 Temporary Appropriations:
Maniaci motioned adoption of the Annual Temporary Appropriations Resolution for fiscal year December 31, 2015 (per O.R.C. 5705.38) until the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources is adopted and received from the Office of Budget Commission, Muskingum County, Ohio. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Annual Inventory:
Maniaci stated the inventory is complete and will be submitted to the County Engineer by second week of January per O.R.C. 505.04.
Records Commission:
The Records Commission, according to O.R.C. 149.42 will consist of a Chairman of the Board; this being Mike Maniaci and the Fiscal Officer, Jason Baughman will be the Records Commission. Maniaci made the motion, seconded by Fell. Hittle ayed.
Mileage Reimbursement:
Maniaci motion that employees/elected officials who are authorized to use their private vehicles for township business such as conferences, training, etc. will be reimbursed at the standard mileage reimbursement rate established by the I.R.S. of 57.5 cents per mile which is allowable under the O.R.C. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Township Meetings:
Maniaci moved to keep the regular monthly township meetings the first Thursday of every month.
Notice will be posted in the newspaper once, on the website and posted monthly on the sign in the front of the township.
Special meetings will be posted on the website, sign out in the front of the township hall and newspaper at least 24 hours before the meeting. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
Personal Files Policy:
Maniaci motioned to appoint the fiscal officer to have control of all storage and distribution of personnel files and information.
All personnel files will be in a locked filing cabinet maintain request log, if there is a question of what can or cannot be released, fiscal officer is to contact legal counsel, Bud Chess. Violation may result in written reprimand issued from the prosecutor’s office and could lead to termination depending on the situation.
Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Public Records Training:
Maniaci motioned to be designated to satisfy the public records training requirement per ORC 109.43. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
January 5, 2015
The Muskingum Township Records Commission met on January 5, 2015 following the 7 P.M. Re-organizational meeting held in the Fire Building.
Chairman Mike Maniaci and Fiscal Officer Jason T. Baughman were present.
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that he had no records at the present time to get rid of.
Maniaci made a motion, that the commission has no records to discuss at this time and no records to dispose of at this present time.
Fiscal Officer Baughman seconded motion, all ayed.
All other records will remain as they are at the present time.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Baughman. All ayed.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Mike Maniaci Jason T. Baughman, CPA
Chairman Fiscal Officer
February 5, 2015
The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on February 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
Residents: 5 resident in attendance.
The December 29, 2014 End of year meeting minutes were read and approved.
The January 5, 2015 Re-Organizational meeting minutes were read and approved.
The January 5, 2015 Records Commission meeting minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Lowes Grant: Maniaci followed-up on the Lowes Grant application with Ed Winaught for a generator. Maniaci completed the paperwork for the application and just need to include our W9 from Fiscal Officer Baughman. Maniaci will inquire with Ed Winaught about appropriate size and pricing that would support our effort toward making our township buildings an emergency shelter.
Snow Plowing: Maniaci indicated that Troy is coming along slowly on his plowing routes and the Matt and Ed agreed that they would get Charlie out with Troy on his routes to train and work with him a little more.
Public Records: Maniaci indicated he finished the 3 hour public records training at the Columbus Township conference.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: January 2015.
Fire Runs: 1 Emergency A.R.T. 19:00
1 Non-Emergency A.R.T. 11:00
1 Other A.R.T. 5:29
EMS Runs: 1 run (dispatch to scene) A.R.T. 9:38
Falls Township:
Maniaci indicated Mark Brown from Falls are focused on moving toward a fire district and beginning here in 2015 they are bring someone in to do a study and proposal on the fire district.
2012-2013 Audit:
Maniaci stated he attended the closing meeting for our 2012-2013 Township Audit with our Fiscal Officer and the Auditor up in Cambridge. Our Audit resulted in a clean audit with zero findings and congratulated our Fiscal Officer Baughman on his work and the results.
Century Link:
Maniaci presented application from Century Link for trustees authorization of allowing permit for work on buried service wires located and across Prior Road. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Buckeye Trail:
Maniaci presented letter received from Michele Heyer from Buckeye Hills Hocking Valley Regional Development Council, regarding extending Muskingum Recreational Buckeye trail running south of Rock Cut Road and our support. Maniaci motioned to support this portion of the trail running through our township. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
County Recorder:
Maniaci presented a letter from County Recorder indicating changes to O.R.C. 723.4 and 723.5 involving changes to road name changes and vacating or narrowing of streets.
Health Department:
Maniaci indicated letter received about completing annual back flow testing. Maniaci indicated Curtis and Professional Plumbing has already completed this.
Annual Mileage:
Maniaci read and trustees certified annual road mileage received from County Engineer certifying our annual road inventory. The total mileage is 47.362 miles.
Curtis Salmons:
Curtis indicated that he will need to have some additional surgery on his rotator cuff and will be out for some time again and we would need to work around and cover him with the roads and plowing as he is off.
TIF: Maniaci indicate an email received inquiring about the effect of TIF's (Transportation Improvement Funding) in our township. Maniaci indicated that there is no TIF that we are aware of.
Annual Meeting with County Engineer:
Manaici stated he is still waiting on information our scheduled time to meet with County Engineer about our Type 1 and Type 2 funds for 2015.
Shared Services:
Commissioner Porter discussed shared services. He referenced a David Brann that was at the Ohio Township Conference discussing county and township relationships and shared service between them. These counties and townships share road and maintenance services on roads that they cross. This is a cost effective trade-off and something everyone should discuss and look into.
Maniaci indicated they would look into and discuss more at next meeting about rejuvenator of roads for 2015 after meeting with the Engineer. Commissioner Porter asked if they were aware of Public Works, District 18 money for these types of projects and should explore this avenue as other alternatives of funding for projects like these and use of Type 1 and Type 2 funds.
Salt Supply:
Mrs. Cohagen inquired about our salt supply. Maniaci indicated that we are loaded, still approximately 200 tons available.
Mastic Surface Treatment:
Maniaci indicated another road surface we will look into is the Mastic Surface Treatment which runs approximately $1.25 to $1.55 square yard.
Jay Butler:
Hittle stated that Jay Butler stated the owner of the apartments on Baabs Road was inquiring and wants to build more apartments and about zoning in our township which Hittle stated that we had no zoning in our township.
Cell Phone Policy:
Hittle indicated that Troy was inquiring on cell phones. Maniaci stated and motioned that we adopt another policy for cell phone where we reimburse township road employees of $40 per month reimbursement and will turn in copy of their cell phone receipt for support of payment received for the Fiscal Officer's records. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Chardon Residents and Storage Units:
Mrs. Cohagen asked if anything has been determined with the storage units on Chardon. Maniaci stated they have an association and would have to address any legal motions themselves. Commissioner Lacy indicated that if they have an association and it is on record with the recorder and as long as they as the association continue to renew and not let restriction expire then they could move on this and must abide by the restrictions set forth in the association.
Fund Balance Carryover Policy:
Maniaci stated that we need to adopt a Fund Balance policy per our Audit. Maniaci motioned that we adopt Fund Balance Policy stating that any Fund Balance Carryover will be appropriated first from general fund with no restrictions. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Commissioner Porter asked Maniaci how he could make a motion being president of the board. Maniaci indicated that per O.R.C. board of trustees is just considered a 3 person board. The president of board of trustees is merely a title and just acts as trustee like the others.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
March 2015 Regular Mtg. Minuntes
March 5, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:
The February 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved as read.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Lowes Grant:
Maniaci updated status on the Lowes Generator Grant. Curtis indicated the fire building is already wired to hold a generator.
Salt Supply Update:
Curtis indicated that we had about 70-80 tons remaining at this time.
Gary Wilson Update:
Maniaci stated he spoke with Gary Wilson of CAMM construction as Gary was inquiring about how the chip-seal patching was holding up for us. Maniaci indicated other than a few small cracks in Eaglepoint the patching was holding up fine right now. Maniaci indicated we should look into applying smaller patching areas to get more surface area coverage out of the cost in the future.
Annual Certificate Estimated Resources 2015:
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented to the trustees the Permanent Annual Appropriations Resolutions of Estimated Resources for 2015 for adoption. Maniaci moved the adoption of the Muskingum Township, fiscal year ending December 31, 2015 Permanent Annual Appropriations Resolution appropriated as detailed by fund provided in the appropriation status and budget report of $652,141.49. Resources from 2014 balance carryover $59,804.29, resources from property tax $382,520.08 and resources from other sources of $209,817.12. Matt Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Maniaci presented letter from indicated cost of culverts from Carter Lumber for 2015 of $100. Curtis indicated that he shops around to see pricing to get the best deal available.
Stop Sign McCaslin Road: Hittle indicated received a call from Sheriff about stop sign down on McCaslin Road due to a wreck. Curtis stated that was a county road. Hittle would follow-up with the sheriff's department.
Chip-Seal Roads Gravel and Limestone:
Maniaci discussed with Curtis roads that were chip-sealed in 2014. Dresden Road, Squirrel, Dutch School, Stagecoach, Jones, Fawn, Fulton, New Riley. Maniaci wanted to review the roads that we did last year and trustees will look into identifying the roads we want to chip-seal in 2015.
Chip-Seal Bids for 2015:
Maniaci discussed with trustees about bidding out limestone and gravel again this year. The trustees agreed to bid out approximately 1600 tons. The trustees discussed using gravel vs. limestone and would discuss more and decide as bids and pricing is received. The gravel runs about $20.75. The trustees also discussed Commissioner Porter's recommendation of also bidding out the chip-seal and opportunities available other than the county engineers.
Mowing Cemetery 2015:
Maniaci indicated Jerry Miller has offered and agreed to continue to mowing of cemetery and township hall in 2015 at the same contract pricing as in 2014. The price would be $464 for 7 months. Maniaci motioned to accept the offer from Twin Hills Landscaping of $464 for 7 months. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Meeting with County Engineer 2015:
Maniaci indicated that they are still waiting on date and time from the county engineer to meet to discuss 2015 projects and funds available to us for 2015.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: February 2015:
There was no information available at time of meeting and will be reported at next regular meeting.
Annual Financial Report and Audit:
Fiscal Officer Baughman wanted to indicate that the 2015 Annual Financial Report and 2012-2013 Audit is available for inspection and notice will be posted in the paper also.
Monthly Meetings:
Hittle indicated he had conversation with other township trustees on the use of the newspaper to publicize their monthly meetings, the utilization of the free community calendar service and incorporating trustees and fiscal officer names in the notices. Trustees agreed to look into utilizing the free community calendar service when available and recognizing the trustees and fiscal officer names in such listings in the future.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
April 2, 2015
The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on April 2, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
Residents: 1 resident in attendance.
The March 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved. Checks were approved and signed.
Salt Supply Update:
Maniaci stated that trustees all agree due to our current salt supply and storage options, we don’t need to pursue the summer salt purchase agreement and can wait until the winter purchasing program is available
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Zanesville City Schools, Attn: Matt Hittle for 8 ton of salt purchased for $135 per ton, $1,080.00.
Fleming/Schlaegel Shannon Road Dispute:
Maniaci presented a copy of a court summons received stating that Mr. James Fleming filed a Complaint and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order on his Shannon Road property. The dispute continues over the abandon road, right-a-way, “Schlaegel Property,” between Fleming and Schlaegel. Maniaci stated he spoke with Bud Chess and presented and email from Bud indicating that he was in the process of preparing a response on behalf of both the County Commissioners and the Township to the recent complaint of James Fleming with our position the case is a dispute between private property owners and the county and township are only incidental parties to the suit, having no responsibilities for the “road” in question. As for the trustees, Chess recommended we do nothing.
Meeting with County Engineer 2015:
Maniaci indicated our meeting with the county engineer is scheduled for April 23rd at 8:15 to discuss upcoming projects and Type 1 and 2 budgets. Maniaci presented a list of equipment and rates issued by the engineer’s office for 2015. The letter indicates we have 25.3 county miles (rank 19), 47.36 township miles (rank 23), population 3,813 (rank 19) for a total rank 61st. Type 1 fund for 2015 - $963, Type 2 funds - $10,010.26, Total - $11,519.19.
Amended Certificate Estimated Resources 2015:
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated received additional $9,521 (LGF Funds).
Baughman recommended trustees make motion to accept these funds and include them in the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources for 2015 and for appropriation.
Maniaci moved the adoption to include the $9,521 in our 2015 Certificated of Estimated Resources.
Matt Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Chip-Seal Roads Gravel and Limestone:
Maniaci presented Aggregate bid proposal for 1200 tons of #8 Limestone and #8 or #9 gravel.
The Aggregate bid proposal and notice to bidders accepting sealed bids, to be opened at next regular scheduled meeting on May 7, 2015, will be listed in the Times Recorder and listed on the township website.
20/20 Enterprises:
Hittle stated he left a couple messages with 20/20 Enterprises for some chip-seal pricing and getting them to attend the next meeting for a discussion.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: March 2015:
There was no information available at time of meeting and will be reported at next regular meeting.
Hittle discussed issue he was working on with Mr. Cliff Murphy of Harper Drive. Mr. Murphy was having some water issues with his driveway and was looking at contractors to fix his driveway. The driveway issues result of a culvert issues. Hittle discussed with trustees and provided diagram of the layout that requires about 80’ of perforated culvert. Since this is a driveway culvert issue and installation Maniaci stated their not opposed of doing the culvert install as long as Mr. Murphy willing to pay for the 80’ culvert of approximately $400. Fell stated he has been dealing with 3 houses and driveways on Riley Rd. with similar culvert issues and not opposed to do the work as long as they pay for the culverts. Hittle will follow-up with Mr. Murphy about the discussion and paying for the cost of the culvert first before we proceed.
Maniaci indicated we need to send a bill to Lepi for the culvert we installed.
Fell stated we need to send a bill to Weever, Hershberger and Neal for culvert install.
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Brian Williams for 30’ culvert.
Fiscal Officer Baughman will follow-up with sending the invoices for these residents. Baughman recommended to the trustees moving forward have the resident prepay for the culverts. Fell agreed we shouldn’t have to make collection calls and Jason to let the trustees know if we need to follow-up with the resident with collecting payment for the culvert.
Stop Sign McCaslin Road:
As follow-up to McCaslin road stop sign replacement, Hittle stated the stop sign was replaced by the county. Hittle asked what our available on hand supply of road signs we keep at the township. Maniaci indicated we keep stop signs on stock and being a stop sign we just send one of the guys out to replace regardless of county or township as a safety measure.
Northcrest Road:
Hittle indicated so far to-date there has been no problems with Northcrest Road.
Sterling Dump Truck:
Maniaci stated Curtis been having some issues with the clutch in the Sterling and is having it repaired. Maniaci presented trustees a Gizmo that is a control that helps with controlling the salt spreader and would help Troy with controlling the spreader while plowing. Curtis stated the spreader on his truck doesn’t work. Maniaci stated he is going to see Hibner next week as he is taking up the radiator and pictures to show him the new design is different than ours that too we have had issues with. Maniaci stated he told Hibner our dissatisfaction with the truck and hopefully work out something to get some money back. Curtis stated the price on the Gizmo control plus valve would be about $2,175 plus install.
Free Gravel: Thanks to Curtis, with the recent logger activity going on our roads, Curtis was able to get us 60 ton of free gravel.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
___________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
May 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:
The March 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved. Checks were approved and signed.
Salt Supply Update:
Maniaci stated that trustees all agree due to our current salt supply and storage options, we don’t need to pursue the summer salt purchase agreement and can wait until the winter purchasing program is available
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Zanesville City Schools, Attn: Matt Hittle for 8 ton of salt purchased for $135 per ton, $1,080.00.
Fleming/Schlaegel Shannon Road Dispute:
Maniaci presented a copy of a court summons received stating that Mr. James Fleming filed a Complaint and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order on his Shannon Road property. The dispute continues over the abandon road, right-a-way, “Schlaegel Property,” between Fleming and Schlaegel. Maniaci stated he spoke with Bud Chess and presented and email from Bud indicating that he was in the process of preparing a response on behalf of both the County Commissioners and the Township to the recent complaint of James Fleming with our position the case is a dispute between private property owners and the county and township are only incidental parties to the suit, having no responsibilities for the “road” in question. As for the trustees, Chess recommended we do nothing.
Meeting with County Engineer 2015:
Maniaci indicated our meeting with the county engineer is scheduled for April 23rd at 8:15 to discuss upcoming projects and Type 1 and 2 budgets. Maniaci presented a list of equipment and rates issued by the engineer’s office for 2015. The letter indicates we have 25.3 county miles (rank 19), 47.36 township miles (rank 23), population 3,813 (rank 19) for a total rank 61st. Type 1 fund for 2015 - $963, Type 2 funds - $10,010.26, Total - $11,519.19.
Amended Certificate Estimated Resources 2015:
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated received additional $9,521 (LGF Funds).
Baughman recommended trustees make motion to accept these funds and include them in the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources for 2015 and for appropriation.
Maniaci moved the adoption to include the $9,521 in our 2015 Certificated of Estimated Resources.
Matt Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Chip-Seal Roads Gravel and Limestone:
Maniaci presented Aggregate bid proposal for 1200 tons of #8 Limestone and #8 or #9 gravel.
The Aggregate bid proposal and notice to bidders accepting sealed bids, to be opened at next regular scheduled meeting on May 7, 2015, will be listed in the Times Recorder and listed on the township website.
20/20 Enterprises:
Hittle stated he left a couple messages with 20/20 Enterprises for some chip-seal pricing and getting them to attend the next meeting for a discussion.
Fire & EMS Run Reports: March 2015:
There was no information available at time of meeting and will be reported at next regular meeting.
Hittle discussed issue he was working on with Mr. Cliff Murphy of Harper Drive. Mr. Murphy was having some water issues with his driveway and was looking at contractors to fix his driveway. The driveway issues result of a culvert issues. Hittle discussed with trustees and provided diagram of the layout that requires about 80’ of perforated culvert. Since this is a driveway culvert issue and installation Maniaci stated their not opposed of doing the culvert install as long as Mr. Murphy willing to pay for the 80’ culvert of approximately $400. Fell stated he has been dealing with 3 houses and driveways on Riley Rd. with similar culvert issues and not opposed to do the work as long as they pay for the culverts. Hittle will follow-up with Mr. Murphy about the discussion and paying for the cost of the culvert first before we proceed.
Maniaci indicated we need to send a bill to Lepi for the culvert we installed.
Fell stated we need to send a bill to Weever, Hershberger and Neal for culvert install.
Hittle stated we need to send a bill to Brian Williams for 30’ culvert.
Fiscal Officer Baughman will follow-up with sending the invoices for these residents. Baughman recommended to the trustees moving forward have the resident prepay for the culverts. Fell agreed we shouldn’t have to make collection calls and Jason to let the trustees know if we need to follow-up with the resident with collecting payment for the culvert.
Stop Sign McCaslin Road:
As follow-up to McCaslin road stop sign replacement, Hittle stated the stop sign was replaced by the county. Hittle asked what our available on hand supply of road signs we keep at the township. Maniaci indicated we keep stop signs on stock and being a stop sign we just send one of the guys out to replace regardless of county or township as a safety measure.
Northcrest Road:
Hittle indicated so far to-date there has been no problems with Northcrest Road.
Sterling Dump Truck:
Maniaci stated Curtis been having some issues with the clutch in the Sterling and is having it repaired. Maniaci presented trustees a Gizmo that is a control that helps with controlling the salt spreader and would help Troy with controlling the spreader while plowing. Curtis stated the spreader on his truck doesn’t work. Maniaci stated he is going to see Hibner next week as he is taking up the radiator and pictures to show him the new design is different than ours that too we have had issues with. Maniaci stated he told Hibner our dissatisfaction with the truck and hopefully work out something to get some money back. Curtis stated the price on the Gizmo control plus valve would be about $2,175 plus install.
Free Gravel: Thanks to Curtis, with the recent logger activity going on our roads, Curtis was able to get us 60 ton of free gravel.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
___________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
June 2015 Regular Mtg. Minuntes
JUNE 4, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:· Brian Newton: Muskingum Valley Park District
The May 7, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Baughman indicated that after Maniaci spoke with Hibner at Western Star our bill for the radiator repair was reduced from $2,616.04 to $786.64.
Passing of former Township Trustee John Bunting:
Maniaci opened meeting with a moment of silence for the Passing of John Bunting and condolences to the Bunting family.
Maniaci stated that the township sent flowers and the Bunting family ask for some stone at the cemetery for the funeral and Curtis took care of this for the family.
Murphy Culvert: Hittle stated Cliff Murphy would pay for the culvert, about 80', and have Jason send him and invoice and schedule Curtis and Troy when payment for the culvert is received.
Salt Bid Update: Maniaci confirmed that we were on the list for salt this year.
Stone Hauling: Maniaci indicated he spoke with Mark Robinson about hauling our stone for $5.50 per ton and was in agreement.
Gravel Bid Price: Hittle indicated that Matt Ross at Shelly Materials indicated that he would lower the gravel price to $10.25 per ton if we supplied our own delivery.
Vista View Noise: Maniaci indicated he spoke with Jim McGreevy about the noise complaint and Mr. McGreevy stated that whatever we said must have worked.
Dana Baldwin (Store-All): Hittle followed up with the status of the Store-All on Chardon Road. Dana indicated that the hold up on the project was in the hands of the banks and has been resolved and project is proceeding.
Maniaci introduced Brian Newton from the Muskingum Valley Park District: Brian discussed the Park District, current and past projects, board, and mission of the organization. Brian indicated that the MVPD owns a portion of the bike trail that runs through Muskingum Township (Rock Cut to Dresden). Brian indicated that if our township has any parks, the MVPD can work with the township on Metro Parks Funds that they have available. Brian indicated that one area the MVPD doesn't have is equipment to maintain the trail or any other projects they do. Brian asks for the township assistance with mowing and some maintenance on the portion of the trail once they finalize the purchase of the portion of Ellis Damn to Rock Cut property. Maniaci indicated that we only mow two times per year. Brian indicated that they would not ask for more than what we already do. Maniaci, Hittle, and Fell all stated their support for the organization and trail and would do what they can when the MVPD finalizes the purchase of the property the trail runs through in our township. Brian stated they hold a monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at the Welcome Center and can be reached at 740-455-8237, mvparkdistrict.org.
Fire & EMS Run Reports:
May: 2 Fire Emergency A.R.T. 9:33
1 Non Emergency A.R.T. 10:00
34 EMS Runs A.R.T. 9:47 (dispatch to scene)
Kenlo Woods: Maniaci stated that Kenlo Woods needs some ditching. Maniaci prepared a letter to send to the residents. Resolution 5-8-2015. Muskingum Township will be doing some ditching in Kenlo Woods the week of 6/8/2015 in preparation for chip-seal. Hittle motioned to accept the Resolution 5-8-2015. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Jan Crawmer: Maniaci indicated that he received some estimates for Kenlo Woods and Applo Way patch work. Kenlo Woods 16,375 sq ft $12,000. Applo Way patch work: $18,630. Total $30,630.
Maniaci received paving estimate from the County Engineer for Applo Way for approximately $36,000.
Maniaci indicated that for $18K more for Applo we could pave the entire road.
Fell motioned to bid out asphalt for Applo Way. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Hittle motioned to accept the $12,000 for asphalt patching estimate from Jan Crawmer for Kenlo Woods. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Dresden Court, Tiffany, Pierre: Maniaci indicated we have discussed a chip-seal with slurry seal option for Dresden Court, Tiffany and Pierre Roads. Maniaci prepared a letter to send to the residents on these roads. The letter indicates the possible options and cost of the repair and input from the residents on these roads. Fell motioned to accept letter to send to the residents. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
July Monthly Meeting Change: Maniaci and trustees agreed to hold the July Regular Township Meeting on Wednesday July 1, 2015 instead of Thursday July 2, 2015. The notice of the date change will be listed in the newspaper and on the township sign.
Enter Executive Session: Maniaci motioned to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing employee personnel benefit package. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Exit Executive Session: Hittle motioned to exit Executive Session and enter back to Regular Session. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
July 2015 Regular Mtg. Minutes
JULY 1, 2015
· Trustees:· Fiscal Officer:· Residents:
The June 4, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved with following amendments.
Gravel was delivered to the cemetery and not residence for Mr. Bunting’s funeral.
Stone hauling should be Mark Robinson and not Jan Crawmer.
Asphalt patch work estimate was from Jan Crawmer and not Mark Crawmer.
Hittle motioned to accept as amended. Fell seconded. Manaici ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
2 Sealed bids for paving of Applo Way were received and opened. The Shelly Company bid was $41,296.07. The Birkhimer Asphalt bid was $38,339.30. Both bids met bid proposal guidelines and specifications. Hittle indicated good experiences with both bidders. Manaici indicated we can choose the best option and not required to just accept the lowest price. Baughman indicated that from discussion with our options for Dresden Ct. and Tiffany, would it make sense or reduce overall cost if all three were combined. Brad Boyer from Shelly Company indicated that combining projects close like this would help in lowering the cost. Baughman stated the savings from the trustees on the gravel and hauling last month was more than the difference in these bids. Maniaci indicated the county engineer estimated this around $35,882. Mr. Boyer was not able to compare or identify the difference without having estimate from county to compare. Maniaci motioned to accept the Shelly Company bid for $41,296.07. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Maniaci indicated that our salt price bid for this year is $73.86.
Maniaci indicated there was antitrust lawsuit against Morton and Cargill for salt purchased between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2011. We received a claim form to submit for possible claim.
Maniaci indicated Mr. McGreevy called him again about noise. Maniaci went over to Mr. McGreevy’s residence and the noise was minimal and over at 11pm. Maniaci would talk with Mr. Lepi when available.
Maniaci presented trustees revised letters for Dresden Ct., Tiffany, and Pierre with revised estimates. Letters have already been motioned and accepted. Maniaci would hand out to the residence for their feedback on the options available.
Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated all culvert invoices have been mailed.
No Fire & EMS run reports were available at the time of the meeting.
Maniaci indicated that received a call about our road sweeping on Glen Willow Drive. Maniaci indicated he would speak with Curtis and Troy about proper procedures or how they are to address the situation in the future if ever run into this again.
Maniaci indicated received 3 calls regarding high grass on Meadowhaven Road, Creamery, and Georgia. Manaici indicated at this time there was no need to prepare or send any letters as all three have been addressed and taking care of. Hittle indicated the property on Creamery was a Mr. Dawson and was having Dana Baldwin get the property mowed.
Maniaci indicated that it is recommended that we do some patch work on Applo again before we asphalt. Maniaci received estimates from Ryan Patrick from Shelly and Jan Crawmer. Hittle indicated his only concern was using separate contractor for the asphalt paving and the patch work underneath if something happens with road work and who to hold accountable. Maniaci motioned to accept estimate from Jan Crawmer/Birkhimer for patch work on Applo for $11,600. Fell seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Maniaci indicated talked with Andy Goss at Goss Supply and we got 24 reflective cones for $16.99 vs. $19.99 original price and what was priced at Tractor Supply and Lowe.
Maniaci indicated that received a call about culvert issue on Carnation. The culvert has a hole in it and needs replaced. Maniaci indicated this has been addressed and taking care of.
MONTHLY MEETING - AUGUST: Maniaci and trustees agreed to hold the August Regular Township Meeting on Wednesday August 5, 2015 instead of Thursday August 6, 2015. The notice of the date change will be listed in the newspaper, website and township sign.
Maniaci indicated he spoke with our County Auditor about assessments. Auditor indicated that there is history of where cities or villages would assess a fee but no past history of where townships would assess fees. Auditor indicated that they are in process of sending out some information and some training material regarding assessments and levies.
Fell indicated received 2 calls from residents on Kenlo about ditching. They indicated there ditch did not need it. Fell spoke with residents and issue has been addressed and taken care of.
Fell indicated that he and Curtis removed a tree that had fallen on Dresden Road.
Fell indicated that received a call about Chugg Run sign missing and need to replace.
Hittle indicated Mr. Flynn indicated the sign missing from Kenlo Woods has since been restored.
Hittle indicated that he returned a call received while out of town. The resident was not from this state and had no idea how he had left message on Hittle's phone. The resident was appreciative of the quick response. Hittle stated that his policy is to try to return call or get back with resident within 24 hours.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
August 5, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on August 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 3 resident in attendance.
The July 1, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Maniaci motioned to accept minutes as read. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci stated that the letters that were prepared and discussed during the June and July meetings have been put on hold until we are finished with chip seal and Applo paving and determine remaining available funds from our 2nd half taxes received to determine if we should proceed with any additional paving projects for 2015 or to postpone and address asphalt paving of Dresden Ct. and Tiffany until 2016.
Maniaci stated that the chip-seal of roads will begin tomorrow August 6th.
Maniaci indicated all mowing with the Creamery Property has been done since the previous meeting.
Maniaci asked if any culvert payments received and for Fiscal Officer to let trustees know when payments come int. Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated culvert payments received from Kim Glass and Rosellen Jenkins. No payments received to date from Dana Baldwin or Cliff Murphy.
JUNE: 24 EMS Runs A.R.T. 10:24 (dispatch to scene)
JULY: 22 EMS Runs A.R.T. 10:36 (dispatch to scene)
No Fire run reports received.
Maniaci indicated he would request from Mark Brown of Falls to provide in writing their policy on soft billing and request the billing for Walnut Hills. Fell indicated that he spoke with a Tammy about the billing and apparently 3 statements are sent and 1 phone call is placed. Ed indicated that we need to get some clarification as soft bill vs. hard billing. Hittle indicated we need to get clarification in writing or policy from Falls. Maniaci would follow-up when Mark gets back from vacation about hard vs. soft billing practice and Walnut Hills billing.
Maniaci indicated that on Frame Road there was work on clearing out a hill for a new home and the water department was working on some water lines. Maniaci indicated that in the back yard of the trailer on the corner has water coming out of the ground. Maniaci indicated the grass is dead and not typical of being septic issue. Maniaci spoke with Madden at the water department. Madden performed a fluoride test. Maniaci indicated still no determination from Madden as the root cause for the water and if it is natural spring or septic issue.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented trustees official certification of Local Government Revenues for 2016 of $8,274.15.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented trustees with 2015 safety grant application and indicated that we could use the safety cone purchase toward this $500 grant this year.
Hittle inquired about status of Chugg Run Sign replacement. Maniaci stated he would get with Curtis to check if we have any signs to replace.
Hittle indicated the sign missing as mentioned in previous meeting minutes was for Tarkman Road and not Kenlo.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fell. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
September 10, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on September 10, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
The August 5, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Maniaci motioned to accept minutes as read. Fell seconded. Hittle ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci stated the final bill from The Shelly Company for Applo Way paving bid originally estimated at $41,296.07 came in less than originally estimated at $40,532.33.
Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated after the October 2015 Western Star dump truck payment there will be 1 remaining payment due October 2016 for $22,907.97.
Fiscal officer and trustees discussed the employee handbook and clarification on call-out pay vs. overtime. Baughman also recommended we come up with a prior approval form for request with banking comp time instead of paying out in overtime. Maniaci and trustees will look at updating the employee handbook with more clarification on call out pay vs. overtime.
Hittle indicated we need to get Curtis and Troy to get the culvert installed for Rosellen Jenkins since payment has been received as well as Kim Glass.
Maniaci indicated that after discussing with Fiscal Officer Baughman about our available funds to date and the remainder of the year, we will hold off on any additional chip-seal for 2015. Baughman also indicated to date we are still waiting on the statement from the county engineer to see if there is any available funds remaining on the type 1 and 2 funds.
Maniaci indicated we need to follow-up with AEP to get Mr. Fusner removed from the billing or contact information.
Fell inquired about any news on soft billing inquire with Falls. Maniaci indicated that he will follow-up with Mark Brown on this as soon as possible.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented to the trustees the 2016 resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor. The official certificate of estimated resources for 2016 includes estimated carryover of $26,981, taxes $382,520 and amounts from other sources $210,350 for total 2016 budget of $619,852. The amount approved by budget commission inside the 10 mil limitation $300,501. Amount approved from levies outside the 10 mil limitation $111,647. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolutions. Fell seconded the resolutions. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Fiscal Officer Baughman indicated that he submitted our claim form by the August 7th deadline pursuant to the Attorney General's antitrust suit for our share of the $11.5 million rock salt settlement. The claim covered time period from July 1, 2008 through February 28, 2011. The total purchase of salt from Morton Salt and Cargill during the time frame was 400.64 tons for a total of $23,421. Our claim information was filed timely and the amount of any settlement due is to be determined.
AUGUST: 22 EMS Runs A.R.T. 8:31 (dispatch to scene)
2 Emergency A.R.T. 10:20
1 Other A.R.T. 8:00
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fell. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
October 1, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on October 1, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
The September 10, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Maniaci motioned to accept minutes as read. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Fiscal officer Baughman presented Maniaci Then and Now Purchase Order for payment to Oshkosh Capital for Fire truck payment. Maniaci motioned for approval. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed. Baughman indicated October 2016 will be final payment on the Western Star Dump Truck and August 2018 will be final payment on the Fire Truck.
Fiscal officer Baughman indicated that we need to have Twin Hills Landscaping to indicate how many times they mow during the month on their invoices. We have a contract rate for seven months but still should indicated number of times. Maniaci agreed and Fell agreed for audit purposes.
Maniaci indicated we have a culvert to do on Dur Mel for Brian Hoover.
Hittle stated Kevin Kenily was appreciative for the mowing at the end of Jones Road.
Hittle stated Ms. Jenkins was very pleased with her culver install.
Maniaci indicated Kim Glass was very pleased with his culvert.
We are still waiting to hear back with payment from Cliff Murphy and Dana Baldwin on their culvert install request.
Fell inquired about any news on soft billing inquire with Falls. Fell reiterated that we were told by Falls when they discussed the last two fire levy meetings that they soft bill and their own biller said they don't soft bill. Fell indicated we still need to get Mark Brown and Falls to define their soft billing. Fell indicated that Tammi at Palmer Billing indicated they soft bill Walnut hills. Fell indicated we need to verify our contract and soft billing and amend agreement to clarify if necessary and require Falls to follow-up with a report to us. As part of our contract they are to provide us with a report. Fell indicated that he thinks the bills should indicate some way or another that even though the patient receives a bill they are in no obligation to pay the amount over and above what their insurance has already paid. Hittle also indicated that we as trustee support the contract with Falls and need to follow-up with Falls to verify their soft billing practice and definition as we have expressed our support for Falls and the levies. Maniaci indicated that Mark Brown in response to our request, do we ask our other vendors for invoices. Brown stated he has been over this before. We use the same billing service as always and is based on the type of services. Maniaci indicated there is one right method and one wrong. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that even though we have a contract with Falls, private entity, and whether or not we request vendors to provide us copies of invoices, we are a public entity, receiving public monies which we contract with and pay public monies to Falls for their services. Is there any open government requirement that Falls would fall under since they are receiving public monies for their services even though they are a private entity?
2 Fire Emergency Runs A.R.T. 10:41 (dispatch to scene)
2 Fire Non-Emergency A.R.T. 13:09 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Other A.R.T. 12:08 (dispatch to scene)
17 EMS Runs A.R.T. 9:13 (dispatch to scene)
Maniaci indicated we need to do some patching on Vern Dor Road and Frame Road.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
November 5, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on November 5, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 3 resident in attendance.
The October 1, 2015 regular meeting minutes were read and approved as amended to state Parmiter Billing and not Palmer Billing. Fell motioned to accept minutes as amended. Hittle seconded. Maniaci ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci opened meeting by congratulating Trustee Matt Hittle and Fiscal Officer Jason Baughman on their re-election.
Mr. Jerome Durant addressed the trustees regarding the work being done with the apartments behind the Exxon station and indicated that drainage along and behind Baabs Road (Mr. Helbling's property) was being backed up and need of repairs. Mr. Durant also expressed concerns about the road conditions of Baabs, Georgia and Carolina and being in need of asphalt repairs. Maniaci addressed Mr. Durant's comments indicating that the issue with Mr. Helbling's property has been a long standing issue and addressed multiple times and during multiple meetings over the past several years. The township has no jurisdiction or authority with the issue surrounding Mr. Helbling's property and any issues needs to be addressed with the county commissioners and Mr. Helbling. Maniaci and Fell indicated they would follow-up with the commissioners but reiterated to Mr. Durant the long history with Mr. Helbling's property and discussions with the commissioners and low expectations to any immediate solutions. Maniaci indicated that we would look into estimates for asphalt and options for Baabs, Georgia and Carolina next year when we start preparing our road repair and chip-seal work for the year.
Mr. Ed Rouan, resident on SAAD Court stated that he had concern with Falls Fire Department taking their fire trucks on SAAD Court and Rollins Drive during trick-or-treat with all the kids on the street and being such a narrow road and turn around. Maniaci and the trustees stated that they would address the concern with Mr. Brown and Falls Fire Department.
Mrs. Mary Kaufman, daughter of Rollin Petry on Conn Road, inquired about the tree overhanging near the bridge on Conn Road and concern with the tree falling and if the trustees could cut the tree down or do anything about the tree. Maniaci and Hittle indicated that if the people that live their will let us cut the tree down we will cut it down.
Maniaci indicated that he spoke with Mark Brown and reiterated to him about getting us invoices and for them to give us an update or report or address one last time at one of our meetings.
Maniaci stated that in case I didn't mention in a prior meeting, we did not qualify for the Lowes generator grant.
Culvert on Dur-Mel Road has been installed.
Maniaci indicated that we need to get a stop sign on Rock Cut Road near the railroad crossing. We will get with Curtis and Troy to get this taking care of.
Maniaci indicated that the county has not resolved the mystery water leak on the property of Frame Road.
Fell indicated he received phone calls and compliments about the mowing done on Prior and Piper roads.
Fiscal Officer Baughman to get receipts to Maniaci for the 2015 $500 Safety Grant application.
Baughman inquired about salt purchase agreement. Hittle and Maniaci indicated we have until March to take 90% of the salt purchase but can start as early as November 1st to start taking salt if needed.
Hittle stated he received a call from Brian Summers on Virginia Road about replacing a steel pipe that marks a drain and would get with Curtis and Troy to get this replaced.
Hittle stated he received a call from appraisal company for a home on Eaglepoint and inquired about any zoning laws in our township which there is no zoning in the township.
Maniaci indicated that we received $712 from our claim to the rock salt anti-trust lawsuit.
1 Fire Emergency Runs A.R.T. 9:58 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Non-Emergency A.R.T. 10:00 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Other A.R.T. 6:42 (dispatch to scene)
31 EMS Runs A.R.T. 8:07 (dispatch to scene)
Hittle presented a letter from Jay Bennett, community development director, requesting a letter of support from the trustees for a Brownfield Grant for the revitalization of vacant and commercial properties in the surrounding area. Maniaci motioned to accept the letter of support. Hittle seconded. Fell ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed, Fell ayed.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
December 3, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee met in regular session on December 3, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 1 resident in attendance.
The November 5, 2015 regular minutes were read. Hittle motioned to approve. Fell seconded. Maniaci ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
A check for $150 was received from Larry Brocklehurst for culvert replacement. Ed Fell will verify with Larry the amount paid for the culverts.
Maniaci apologized but he expected someone from Falls Fire to be at the meeting to go on record discussing the soft vs. hard billing issues and some clarification on this issue and some resolution. Maniaci indicated that Brady Johnson is replacing Mark Brown as chief next year. Maniaci stated that Brady indicated to him that once he get authority he would address the issue with us.
Fell will check on the stop signs with Curtis.
Maniaci indicated that this still needs addressed and will get with Curtis about this.
Baughman will get receipts to Maniaci for the safety grant application.
Fell indicated he has not had chance to follow-up regarding Helbling issue from previous meeting but will do.
Maniaci indicated that he will follow-up with Brady from Falls Fire on the fire trucks on Saad and Rollins Road during Halloween.
Hittle indicated that the residents indicated that they approve the removal of the tree. Maniaci indicated that he would discuss with the county about anything they could do to assist and keeping the bridge free from any damage before we address removing it
Maniaci indicated that Bud Chess mentioned that the Schlaegle hearing regarding the Shannon Road property and road is going to mediation and would follow-up as soon as anything new comes up.
Maniaci and Hittle received calls from Lester Vanderbark discussing some tree removal and was concerned with about road limit signs as he was having some logging done on his property.
2 Fire Emergency Runs A.R.T. 9:30 (dispatch to scene)
0 Fire Non-Emergency A.R.T. 0:00 (dispatch to scene)
1 Fire Other A.R.T. 13:28 (dispatch to scene)
24 EMS Runs A.R.T. 10:02 (dispatch to scene)
The end of the year township meeting will be scheduled for Monday, December 28, 2015 at 7pm. The township sign will be updated and meeting will be listed in the newspaper.
The 2016 re-organizational meeting will be scheduled for Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7pm. The township sign will be updated and meeting will be listed in the newspaper.
Hittle indicated that Conn Road was tore up bad and we need to get Curtis and Troy on some patching before winter.
Trustee Ed Fell presented a check #3840 for $49.50 ($16.50 p/ton) for purchase of approximately 3 ton of gravel.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fell. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
December 28, 2015
· The Muskingum Township Trustee held the 2015 year-end regular meeting on December 28, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. in the Fire Building.
· Trustees: Mike Maniaci, Matt Hittle, Ed Fell.
· Fiscal Officer: Jason Baughman.
· Residents: 0 resident in attendance.
The December 3, 2015 regular minutes were read. Hittle motioned to approve. Fell seconded. Maniaci ayed.
CHECKS: Checks were approved and signed.
Maniaci indicated Curtis is afraid he might drop the tree on the bridge.
Maniaci indicated that the county is going to come out this week to look at it.
Maniaci presented and read a letter Mr. Larry Brocklehurst submitted to the trustees commending Curtis and Troy for the great job they did in putting in his culvert under his driveway and appreciated their time and work they did.
Maniaci indicated we will keep the soft billing on agenda for next year so we don't let it get left behind.
Maniaci indicated part of the road on Rock Cut is in our township and we have 6 months to fix but we still need to get Curtis out there to put out stop signs down on our part near the rail road crossing.
Hittle indicated that the pipe on Virginia road has been fixed.
Baughman presented receipts to Maniaci for the 2015 safety grant application.
Fell indicated he has not spoke to Mr. Helbling but will as soon as possible.
Maniaci indicated he has heard nothing to date or from Bud Chess regarding the Schlaegle property hearing.
The trustees discussed a few properties to keep an eye on and may need to address some clean-up located on: Fawn Road, Gorsuch Road property that burned down, and Gorsuch and Dresden Road with cars needing cleaned up.
No reports available at time of meeting.
The 2016 re-organizational meeting originally scheduled for Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7pm will be re-scheduled to Monday, January 11, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the fire building. The township sign will be updated and meeting will be re-listed in the newspaper.
Maniaci indicated he booked his reservation to attend the Annual Ohio Township Association Conference this January.
Maniaci stated that we need to make sure we remind the county Engineer and Matt Russell during our 2016 road budget meeting about the guard rail and bridge on Prior Road that they told us they would take care of for us.
Fell moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
____________________________ Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer