* Muskingum Township Meeting Schedule * Regular Meetings are the First Thursday of each Month at 7:00 PM at the Firehouse,
DUE TO A CONFLICT, THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING HAS BEEN RE-SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6th at 6:00 PM THERE WILL BE ZONING SPECIALISTS THERE TO TALK ABOUT ZONING IN MUSKINGUM TOWNSHIP. The Township 2 mil 10 year road tax levy will be added to the November General Election vote. The Township will be sending out information about the levy and that information will also be available on this website. Stay tuned for futther updates and information. We will continue to do the best that we can with the current budget. We appreciate all those that supported the levy!!
DUE TO A CONFLICT, THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING HAS BEEN RE-SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6th at 6:00 PM THERE WILL BE ZONING SPECIALISTS THERE TO TALK ABOUT ZONING IN MUSKINGUM TOWNSHIP. The Township 2 mil 10 year road tax levy will be added to the November General Election vote. The Township will be sending out information about the levy and that information will also be available on this website. Stay tuned for futther updates and information. We will continue to do the best that we can with the current budget. We appreciate all those that supported the levy!!