2013 Muskingum Township Minutes
DATE: December 27, 2012
PURPOSE OF MEETING: 2013 Re-Organizational Meeting
OPENING: Muskingum Township Trustees met in special session at 7 p.m. on December 27, 2012 for the re-organizational meeting in the Fire Building. All Trustees and Fiscal Officer were present. There were 2 residents present.
Steve Fusner nominated Mike Maniaci for President, Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made the motion to have Matt Hittle and Steve Fusner on the Burial Committee. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made the motion to keep the emergency labor at $8.00 per hour unless they have a CDL and then they would be paid $10.00 per hour. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made a motion to increase the road crew workers Curtis Salmons and Charles Mattingly’s pay rate by approximately 5%. Salmons would increase to $16.25 and Mattingly to $14.00. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made motion to keep public records policy the same for this year, public records will be provided in a timely manner/or the next regularly scheduled meeting. That there will be an optional written request advising what records is requested. The charge will be $.05 per page and $2.50 for cassette tape copies. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci stated that one of the recommendations from the auditors after our audit was to have a credit card policy. Maniaci made a motion to accept the following credit card policy #12-27-12. All three trustees and fiscal officer will have access to the Capital one Visa Card, Tractor Supply and Lowes cards. Township Maintenance workers will have access to all credit cards. The limits for all cards will be $150 per transaction. If purchase is over that amount, permission must be obtained by township trustees. Fusner seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci made the motion that the Township equipment can be operated by all road crew and trustees or any other person who has been authorized by the trustees or road crew to do so. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci read and motioned the adoption of the Annual Temporary Appropriations Resolution for fiscal year December 31, 2013 (per O.R.C. 5705.38) until the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources is adopted and received from the Office of Budget Commission, Muskingum County, Ohio and permanently appropriated no later than April 1, 2013. Hittle seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that the public records policy is posted in the township hall, the township garage and both fire stations.
Maniaci stated the inventory will be completed and be submitted to the County Engineer by second week per O.R.C. 505.04.
The Records Commission, according to O.R.C. 149.42 will consist of a Chairman of the Board; this being Mike Maniaci and the Fiscal Officer, Jason Baughman will be the Records Commission. Maniaci made the motion, seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Maniaci made the motion that employees/elected officials who are authorized to use their private vehicles for township business such as conferences, training, etc. will be reimbursed at the standard mileage reimbursement rate established by the I.R.S. of 56.5 cents per mile which is allowable under the O.R.C. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci moved to keep the regular monthly township meetings the first Thursday of every month at the township fire station at 7:00 p.m. That is will be posted in the newspaper once, on the website and posted monthly on the sign in the front of the township. Any changes or special meetings will be posted on the website, the sign out in the front of the township hall and newspaper at least 24 hours before the meeting. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
In regards to “Storage and distribution of personnel files and personal information”, Maniaci appointed the fiscal officer to have control of all files. Fusner seconded. All ayed. All personnel files will be in a locked filing cabinet at the township building. Fiscal Officer was informed that he/she is responsible for all the rules adopted in accordance with this section and shall maintain a written request log and show trustees requests made; they can sign off on the request which will show they are monitoring the accuracy of the requests. If there is a question of what can or cannot be released, fiscal officer is to contact legal counsel, Bud Chess. If above rules are not followed a written reprimand could be issued from the prosecutor’s office and could lead to termination depending on the situation. Maniaci made the motion to accept this procedure. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci stated that there is a new OPERS independent contractor acknowledgement form that is required to be completed for individuals providing personal services to a public employer on or after January 7, 2013.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
DATE: February 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Record Commission meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Records Commission met on February 7, 2013 following the regular monthly meeting in the Fire Building. Chairman Mike Maniaci and Fiscal Officer Jason T. Baughman were present.
Maniaci made a motion that at this time the commission has nothing to discuss as far as records to get rid of. Fiscal Officer Baughman advised there is nothing to address at the present time.
All other records will be left as they are for now.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Baughman. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, FISCAL OFFICER
February 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on February 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present.
The minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci stated and Hittle confirmed that the annual back-flow testing has been completed.
Maniaci addressed zoning issue as discussed in January minutes. Maniaci made motion that before the trustees spend any township money on zoning, if the township residents want zoning we would hold off until the township residents present a petition to the board. Fusner Seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated the inventory was completed and filed, as required, with Doug Davis at county engineer’s office.
Maniaci stated that the new truck is here and working well.
Maniaci stated we allowed for 100 tons of salt this year and just placed 25 ton order and will not be under our required minimum ton limit.
Hittle stated that Mr. Vanderbark contacted him about some missing dirt and requested an alternate route out of Beech Run Road and requested a meeting to discuss. Hittle stated he told Mr. Vanderbark the trustees would discuss at our next meeting. Maniaci stated he spoke with Charlie and the township does maintain mowing and plowing of Rock Cut and Beech Run. Maniaci stated that every law that he has read was done properly when the old access on Beech Run Road was closed in 1931. At that time this was a county road and the road was vacated. The county commissioners can vacate a road anytime they want to. Maniaci proposed that the trustees speak with Zemba to give Mr. Vanderbark an alternate entry at no cost to which should be minimal expense to Zemba.
Mr. Chris Fenton asked if sale proceeds of the Ford Tanker and Chevy Mini Pumper were placed in the fire fund. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that the proceeds were not placed in this fund. Hittle made motion to have the proceeds for the sale of this equipment transferred to the fire fund. Maniaci seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Jerry Miller asked if and when the bid for mowing of Cemetery and Fire House would be done this year. Maniaci stated we would address the bidding at our March meeting.
Fusner asked trustees about the letter received regarding the rehabilitation and refurbish apartments from the Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group. Maniaci made motion to approve and sign the proposed letters to support the MEOAG Fairway Lane apartment rehabilitation project and submit after reviewing this with prosecuting attorney Chess. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci read the fire report for January:
0 Fire Emergency ART (avg. response time) 0:00 minutes
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
10 EMS runs ART 9:20 minutes
Maniaci made motion to accept resolution #2072013 to sell the 1997 International Dump Truck, as is, for $7,000 ($4,000 in cash and $3,000 toward township project work) to Muskingum County, Division of Engineers office, in accordance with O.R.C. 505.101. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner nayed, Hittle ayed.
Mr. Chris Fenton stated that the back room in the Fire building was cleaned and asked the trustees to sort through the items to be inventoried or properly disposed or stored.
Maniaci stated there was incident in Stonehenge North where something hit the Stonehenge stone sign. Mr. Thomas called the trustees and asked if one of our trucks hit the stone. Maniaci stated a blue truck made the mark. Big O actually hit it and the driver actually reported it but Big O did nothing. Mr. Thomas is taking this up with Big O now.
Hittle stated that a Gentleman on Eric Adam Drive stated that one of our plows tore up some of his gravel driveway. Hitler explained to the gentleman that this occurs sometimes when plowing and let us know if needs fixing.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
March 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on March 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 2 residents present, Commissioner Porter and Michael Hood from Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
The records commission meeting were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci introduced Michael Hood from the Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group.
Mr. Hood discussed the revitalization project of the Links, a 31 unit family property, section 8, HUD property. The new name after the revitalization would be called Fairway Vista. Fairfield Homes has partnered with MEOAG through the low income housing tax credit program to revitalize and remodel these units. Six County will also assist after the revitalization is complete. The units will be one floor handicap accessible section 8 rental units. The MEOAG has submitted the grant application for the project but will not know if successful until June or July of 2013 with construction beginning in 2014. After the remodel Six County would have a 1% stake in the project with the MEOAG the majority owner. Fairfield Management would handle the on-site day to day management of rental units. One issue the MEOAG and their funding sources have asked to address is the road condition of the North Vista View Drive. The project does allow for approximately $180K toward road improvements. Depending on road improvement cost the MEOAG has considered applying for the Community Development Block Grant available through the County. This grant does encourage matching contributions with two options of filing for the grant. One option is through application by MEOAG a non-profit and the second would be an application by the township itself. Mr. Hood stated that one concern of the MEOAG with the project is the future maintenance of the road conditions once the project is completed. Mr. Hood stated that a commitment letter from the township would carry a lot of weight in the grant approval process of this application.
Maniaci stated that this is a normal process before the township would take over any road. The road would actually first be taken over by the commissioners meeting county engineer specifications and then signed over to the township for maintenance of the road.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mr. Lester Vanderbark addressed the trustees by asking them what the Trustees had decided about assisting his family with an alternate access road on their property at Rock Cut Road to Beech Run Road due to his concerns surrounding the recent railroad derailment near his property, claim of his property being land locked and lowering of Rock Cut Road. Maniaci stated that he has spoke with Zemba about cutting an alternate route for Mr. Vanderbark at no charge and is waiting to hear back from Zemba. Hittle asked Mr. Vanderbark would he be satisfied with Zemba cutting an alternate access on his property. Mr. Vanderbark stated that this would help with this situation however Mr. Vanderbark stated that this would not address the other situation with the road over the hill that he understands and claimed was not legally closed. Maniaci stated he did provide Mr. Vanderbark with proof of this petition from 1931 signed by the commissioners. Maniaci stated that the Township is not legally required to maintain a road until the Commissioners approve and given to the Township to maintain. Maniaci re-stated the original questioned asked by Trustee Hittle, if Zemba cuts the alternate access road for his property would he be satisfied, with a signed statement and with Mr. Vanderbark agreement to maintain this access as the township is not required to maintain this road since its legally on personal property. Mr. Vanderbark stated he would have to discuss this with family and get back with the township.
Maniaci presented and read the Fire Department inventory list of items identified in the back room that was cleaned out last month and research our requirement for proper disposal.
Fusner introduced Mr. Dean Butcher resident on Cranberry Road who has culvert issues and since Mr. Butcher has historically allowed the Township to park our equipment on property. Fusner made motion to install both culverts on his property including the bus turn-around. Hittle seconded, all ayed
Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci stated he didn’t receive a fire department run report and would have for next meeting.
Maniaci presented and made motion to accept sealed bids for lawn maintenance of five cemeteries and the township garage and fire building. Mowing services shall be performed on Bi-weekly schedule for the cemeteries and weekly at the township garage and fire station from April 15th thru October 30, 2012. The sealed bids will be opened at the regular scheduled April 4, 2013 meeting at 7pm. Trustees reserve right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities. Bids specifications would be listed minimum of two times in the newspaper, and listed on township website. Hittle seconded, all ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci made motion to accept sealed bids for limestone and gravel used for chip-seal, approximately 1,200 tons with no guarantee of quantity. Sealed bids will be opened immediately at next regularly scheduled meeting on April 4, 2013 at 7pm. The bid specifications for the aggregate will be listed a minimum of two times in the newspaper and listed on the township website. Trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids and waive irregularities. Maniaci made motion. Fusner seconded, all ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that Curtis and Charlie informed him that the trees along the road are starting to become an issue when mowing. Fusner mentioned the trees on Stagecoach Road and Winter Wood Road were bad. Maniaci stated a list of residents and locations would be obtained and presented a letter for review informing the resident about the overhanging tree issues and to refer any questions to the trustees. Commissioner Porter mentioned that the Muskingum County Excel Program may be available to assist with the tree trimming as they received some grant money for assistance with projects like this due to the recent disaster clean-up.
Maniaci stated that there was an EMS run to Mr. & Mrs. Sellars home this afternoon. Curtis had to assist with pulling out 2 squads that got stuck in their driveway.
Maniaci reminded the Trustees about their meeting with the County Engineer about our available funds for 2013.
Maniaci presented a letter for Trustee signatures from the Ohio Dept of Transportation for maintenance of 47.362 miles vs. 47 miles last year due to the Northern Place
Fusner stated that Mr. Dunfee was asking about payment for chip-seal of Vanderbark. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated it would be paid by next meeting.
Maniaci stated and presented a letter from the County Commissioners regarding the road name change of McCaslin Road back to Woods Road. The letter from the County Commissioners approved the road name change from McCaslin back to Woods Road. Commissioner Porter stated there was a public hearing was held, which no residents attended, and the road name change was approved.
Maniaci stated Charlie finished mowing Dresden Road.
Fiscal Officer presented trustees with 2013 Permanent Appropriation Budget based on the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources from the County Auditor, as required by April 1, 2012, O.R.C. 5705.38.
Maniaci read and made motion to approve the Permanent Appropriations Budget.
Total Estimated Revenues for 2013 $592,653.52
Total carryover from 2012 $51,797.96
For total 2013 budget appropriations of $644,451.48
Fusner seconded, all ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that the Federal portion of the FEMA funds has been received and is waiting on the final portion from the State of Ohio.
Fusner moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
April 2013 Regular Meeting
April 4, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on April 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 6 residents present.
Bids for gravel and limestone were opened.
The following bids were received:
Mar-Zane Materials - $20.00 per ton for #8 limestone delivered and $14.50 per ton for #8 or #9 gravel delivered.
Maysville Materials - $19.65 per ton for #8 limestone delivered and no bid for #8 or #9 gravel.
The Shelly Company - $18.00 per ton for #8 limestone delivered and $14.75 per ton #8 or #9 gravel delivered.
Hittle made a motion to accept bid for gravel at $14.75 per ton delivered from The Shelly Company as they provided all disclosures as specified in the bid requirements. Mar-Zane Materials bid did not include all disclosures as stated in bid requirements. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Bids for Cemetery, Township Garage and Fire Building lawn maintenance were opened.
The following bids were received:
Murray Landscaping and Lawncare - $3,290, billed at $470 per month, based on 7 months.
Muskingum River Lawncare - $3,500, billed at $500 per month, based on 7 months.
Quality Landscape Contractors, LLC - $4.690, billed at $670 per month, based on 7 months.
Twin Hills Landscaping - $3,248, billed at $464 per month, based on 7 months.
All lawn maintenance bidders provided proper documentation specified in the bid requirements. Fusner made a motion to accept lawn maintenance bid from Twin Hills Landscaping for $3,248, billed at $464 per month, based on 7 months. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Sellers addressed and presented pictures to the trustees regarding the EMS run to her house for her husband and the ambulance getting stuck in her driveway at her residence. She stated that three squads had arrived with two getting stuck. She stated that she was told that her house was the fourth house Falls squads have gotten stuck at on runs. She stated that a lot of time was spent and asked why they called Ritchy, Falls, Dresden and the County EMS for squads due to their proximity to her residence. She also asked why they chose the route taken due to it taking one and half hours to arrive at the hospital. Mrs. Sellers stated that she was not addressing this just because this happened with Falls and her husband but just wanted to address this situation and inform the trustees since our township is contracting with Falls and hoped by addressing these issues, investigating and ask why they occurred will prevent future occurrences like this from happening. Hittle and Maniaci stated they would ask Falls about the issues and concerns surrounding this instance. Maniaci asked Mrs. Sellers if this exact same situation had occurred with the old fire department would her reaction and concerns be the same. Mrs. Sellers stated she could not answer that since it didn’t occur with the old fire department.
Mr. Lester Vanderbark presented the trustees with a 1978 tax map of his property. Mr. Vanderbark stated that he still hasn’t seen a properly signed petition indicating this road closure and had spoken with another trustee from another township which also stated in his opinion that this road was not legally closed. Mr. Vanderbark did not provide the name of this trustee. Mr. Vanderbark stated that there is a slip on Rock Cut Road coming out of the bank of his property in his opinion due to the road widening. Maniaci and Hittle stated they would come and look at it. Mr. Vanderbark stated, as a follow-up to the cutting an alternate access on his property, in his opinion he did not believe he should, nor would, sign a written statement for cutting the alternate access since in his opinion the road wasn’t legally closed. Maniaci stated that Mr. Vanderbark’s dispute is with the county and the commissioners and not the township.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci read the fire report for February:
0 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 0:00 minutes
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
10 EMS runs ART 9:20 minutes
Maniaci read the fire report for March:
2 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 8:30 minutes
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
10 EMS runs ART 9:24 minutes
Maniaci followed-up and stated that it didn’t look like we were going to get any help from the Excel program.
Fusner asked about the township getting a block grant for the Vista View revitalization project instead of the MEOAG. Maniaci stated that Mr. Hood stated that the MEOAG stated they would do this and not the township.
Fusner asked about the road name error submitted by the county engineer’s department. Maniaci stated that the engineer’s department submitted Cyprus Road instead of Cypress Circle to the State of Ohio. Whatever it says on the State’s road inventory is what the name would be. Maniaci stated he did a search and as of this meeting the road is listed on the State’s road inventory correctly as Cypress Circle. Fusner stated he would make some calls and follow-up with the road name.
Fusner stated that he received 2 calls; one regarding the speeding on Welsh Road and another inquiring about brooming the road on Eric Adam Lane. Fusner stated may want to get car counter for Welsh and follow-up with any need for brooming of roads this year.
Maniaci presented trustees with chip-seal proposal to complete and approve from the County Engineer’s office for use of our available 2013 Type 1 material and Type 2 chip-seal and emulsion funds awarded from the County Engineer’s office. Maniaci made motion to accept County Engineer’s proposal and use of the Type 1 and Type 2 funds. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Hittle asked about prior discussions regarding culvert replacement and recommended the trustees get with each other to discuss and identify the culverts in questioned and ones to address this year. Maniaci stated they would assess them and get some measurements so they could identify and prioritize them.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
May 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on May 2, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci stated he spoke with Falls Township EMS regarding the EMS run to Mrs. Sellers home. Falls stated the other instances of being stuck on runs that Mrs. Sellers referenced were actually due to snow plowing of the roads. Falls stated that Dresden was called instead of Licking because Dresden was closer. In regards to the route taken, Falls indicated that the route chosen was actually 9/10 mile shorter and a smoother route. Falls stated that it was determined the patient was stable, vitals stable, therefore “running hot” was not necessary. Mrs. Sellers disagreed with Falls responses and asked Maniaci if he would come out to her home so she could show him some additional pictures she had take on this incident. Maniaci would arrange a time to meet with Mr. Sellers.
Maniaci presented the list of fire equipment identified at the last meeting for review and motion for disposal. Maniaci also recommended adding the old compressor to the list for disposal. Maniaci made motion to dispose of the equipment as identified on the list excluding the computer. Fusner seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated he received an email and phone call from Zack Helms from Microseal. Maniaci is meeting with Mr. Helms in Cambridge on May 7th to look at some roads with the microseal and discuss some of our own township roads, pricing and our interest in microsealing some of our township roads this year.
Maniaci stated the Vista View revitalization project forms have been signed.
Maniaci stated we did not receive an April fire run report and would have to report at our next meeting.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Hittle introduced Mr. Jeff Miller and Mr. Adam Woytko. Mr. Miller and Mr. Woytko presented a petition from the residents of their subdivision, Whit Lane just off of Welsh Road. Fusner stated that the reason the road and cul-de-sac of their subdivision was never taken over by the township because the subdivision platted by Mrs. Weaver didn’t have the proper right a ways. The property owners would have to agree to a 50 foot right away. Maniaci stated the first step we should do today is to make a motion to accept the petition presented by Mr. Miller and Mr. Woytko and residents of their subdivision to get the ball rolling and second, get with Doug Davis and get over to their subdivision to see what all is needed to get the road up to specifications.
Hittle made motion to accept the proposal/petition presented by Mr. Miller and Mr. Waytko to get the ball rolling with addressing the road and right away issue in their subdivision. Maniaci seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Hittle stated that he received a call from Lever and Rose Ellen Jenkins regarding installing a new line fence on their property on Gorsuch. Hittle spoke with Mr. John Shirer the apartment owner regarding the existing line fence and getting together with Mrs. Jenkins and discussing a solution that would satisfy all parties impacted by installation of this line fence by Mrs. Jenkins. Maniaci stated he wanted to read the RC 971-03 and RC971-04 Hittle presented which discusses installing fences.
Hittle stated Mr. Drake Prouty has asked if we would maintain a 2 mile section of a walking trail that runs through our township. Maniaci spoke with Commissioner Lavey and Bonnie Dailey about this and recommended the trustee’s set-up a meeting with Bonnie Daily to discuss this further and get more details first before we make any decision regarding Mr. Prouty’s request.
Fusner stated there is a culvert located at 6200 Georgia Road that he wanted the trustees to look and get their opinion on.
Maniaci presented and identified roads to discuss for chip-seal this year. In 2011, Prior Road and Kenlo Woods were chip-sealed. In 2012 Chugg, New Riley, McCasslin, Fulton, and Schneider were chip-sealed. Maniaci recommended chip-sealing Prior Road, Dutch School, Stage Coach, McCasslin, Beech Run, Jones Road, Fawn Drive, and Dresden Road this year.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
June 2013 Regular Meeting
June 6, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on June 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 2 residents present.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Baughman stated final payment was made on back-hoe loan and we received the final Ohio portion of the FEMA grant to go along with the Federal portion we received back March.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci reiterated to Mr. Vanderbark that township trustees cannot do anything in regards to opening or closing of roads. The county commissioners have this authority. The township would only maintain the roads once the county engineer certifies the road is brought up to specifications and when the county commissioners turn over the road to the township to maintain. Maniaci recommended that Mr. Vanderbark address this with the county commissioner.
Maniaci provided an update on the meeting with Drake Prouty regarding the maintenance of the 2 mile stretch of walking trail in our township. Maniaci indicated that the trail definitely needs some assistance with mowing with our side-arm mowers. Maniaci stated approximately two times per year and upon the request when needed. Maniaci stated he was in favor of assisting with maintenance of the walking trail. Fusner stated, although not opposed to helping out with the trail, he feels any maintenance on this trail should be done after our township mowing and other work is complete and has issues with paying our own employees to mow the trail when we already contract to pay for mowing of our own cemeteries and township hall.
Mr. Vanderbark stated that he also did not agree with the township mowing the trail in addition to the mowing of our township roads.
Hittle stated that it would be nice to help out since they don't have the right equipment needed and would be nice to have a well maintained trail for the township, however at this point we should table the discussion until the trustees can investigate all that would entail with maintenance of the trail. Fusner stated we should walk the trail to see what we would actually be getting into. Maniaci stated that Drake Prouty indicated that they get a volunteer work committee together 2 or 3 times per year to perform some maintenance on the trail. The township would only be asked as a back-up. The trustees agreed to table this until further information is obtained.
Maniaci indicated that he met with Zach Helms in Cambridge and went over some roads that were micro-sealed. They looked at some subdivisions and long stretches of roads. Maniaci stated that he was impressed with the roads that were micro-sealed and the roads were smoother with a look and feel of "skid resistant." Maniaci stated that Mr. Helms will schedule a time to come down to our township to drive and look at some of our roads and give his opinion and some estimates.
Maniaci stated that he stopped in to see Doug Davis regarding Whit Court. Doug was not in at the time but Matt Russell was to relay the message to Doug about getting over to Whit Court to estimate this project before our next meeting.
Maniaci followed-up with the culvert on Gorsuch Road. The culvert is bad and in need of replacing.
Maniaci asked about Mrs. Jenkins fence issue. Hittle stated he had not heard anything more from Mrs. Jenkins to-date. Hittle stated that the first step in the process would be for the two residents to try to rectify the issue amongst themselves. Maniaci stated that his interpretation of the code is that the resident has a lot to do first such as addressing with residents first, there would be a 10 day viewing notice, court sessions, involve resident hiring a recorder, and contact all the residents with property touching the property in question just to name a few. In the end, not all cost of addressing the fence issue would be equal among parties involved and after all of this is done there would be a 60 day arbitration period.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Mr. Charles Mattingly indicated he would be turning 60 and was looking into the OPERS options regarding retiring and service credit buy-out options. Mr. Mattingly presented letter to the trustees and fiscal officer regarding OPERS retirement options to consider. Maniaci stated that we would take his letter under advisement and look into the OPERS service credit and retirement options that are currently available.
Maniaci stated that the fire run reports for May were not available at the time of the meeting and would report at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Fusner stated he spoke with a contractor for Chris Luthi on Gorsuch road regarding a garage he was building for a guy on Gorsuch road that was needing a culvert and catch basin installed. Fusner stated that after the aforementioned catch basin and culvert on the Gorsuch property is fixed the township would put the drive way culvert in.
Hittle stated and wanted to address in the minutes that he and Maniaci went to Mrs. Sellers residence to understand and for her to show them what had happened involving the emergency call to her residence for her husband. Hittle and Maniaci stated that they have been addressed to what had occurred and understand Mrs. Sellers concerns and will make sure that the Falls Fire/EMS will use this situation as reference and for future training opportunities.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
July 2013 Regular Meeting
July 11, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on July 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present and 7 Falls Township Fire Department members including Chief Mark Brown.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened the meeting by provided updates on Falls run reports.
Maniaci stated Falls Fire Department has been in a process of changing systems therefore monthly run times were delayed and unavailable at the time of the prior months meetings. Falls was present and presented updated run reports to the trustees.
Maniaci read the fire report for April:
3 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 7:29 minutes
2 Non Emergency ART 8:00 minutes
17 EMS runs ART 7:23 minutes
Maniaci read the fire report for May:
4 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 8:55 minutes
1 Non Emergency ART 2:00 minutes
11 EMS runs ART 8:40 minutes
Maniaci read the fire report for June:
8 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) unavailable
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
11 EMS runs ART unavailable
Maniaci introduced Falls Township Fire Department and Chief Mark Brown. Chief Mark Brown and the Falls Township Volunteer Fire Department Inc. formally requested the Muskingum Township Trustees to place on the November ballet a New Additional 2.5 mill levy to be used for operations, replacement of fire, personnel, medical equipment and services and updating and or building of new fire stations.
Chief Mark Brown presented and identified the following issues and support for the necessity of the requested 2.5 mill levy on the November 2013 ballot for both Falls and Muskingum Township:
-Falls Fire Dept. is projecting a $3 million downfall/shortfall in budget and funds over the next three years due to funding cuts and mandatory equipment upgrades and replacements due to federal standard mandates and phase-outs.
-Falls Fire Dept. is one department covering both Falls and Muskingum Township including a "mutual aid contract" serving the entire county.
-Falls Fire Dept. has seen run number tripled and is projected to do over 1900 calls this year alone and indicated that Fire Districts are eminent.
-Falls Fire Dept. has 3 vehicles in need of replacing. The Tower Truck replacement alone is approx. $1.2 million and a Tanker Truck engine replacement approx. $225K.
-Falls Fire Dept. indicated that the days of 100% volunteer are over and is proposing to staff 2 full-time at Muskingum Township Fire Dept. and 2 full-time at Falls Township, 24 hours per day. Staffing Muskingum Township alone would be approx. $210K.
-The proposed levy at Falls and Muskingum Township would be a $2.5 mill increase. For example, the tax of a homeowner with approximately $200K home value would be $230 per year. For the 3 stations round clock is equivalent to about .63 cents per day.
- Chief Brown stated Falls payroll alone $365K. "Squad Billing" is not enough to cover the staffing as Falls doesn't collect call like other providers like Community and only collect what insurance covers. Currently Paramedics makes $10 p/hr and Chief Brown $9 p/hr.
-Chief Brown indicated other equipment needing replaced: 25 radios at $5K each to meet federal standards, 3 Heart monitors approx. $100K, and 51 air packs at $5K each to meet federal standards mandates.
-The two township levy's will be beneficial, however may not completely eliminate need for financing but can definitely help with reducing debt service terms such as 7 year vs. 5 years.
-Falls Township has already adopted the levy resolution and on file with County Auditor and been provided a program to calculate the tax impact to the homeowner.
Hittle stated support for Falls and the necessity of this levy in both Falls and Muskingum Township.
Maniaci re-iterated that if both levies pass there will be FT employees provided at both townships. If only one levy passes and the other doesn't what will happen? Chief Brown stated both levy's need to pass for this to work and if not it would come down to the final numbers.
Mrs. Cohagen thanked Falls Township for their service and stated existing tax levy has been money well spent and offered her support and any assistance needed with the support of this additional levy.
Maniaci presented and read the resolution for adoption (see attached in its entirely) The Board of Township Trustees of Muskingum Township, Muskingum County, Ohio met in regular session on July 11, 2013, at the office of the township, with the following members present: Michael G. Maniaci, Steve Fusner, Matt Hittle.
Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, RC 5705.191, RC 5705.25, RC 5705.26 for the purpose of providing and maintaining fire and medical equipment, personnel and services.
Mr. Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael G. Maniaci ayed
Steve Fusner ayed
Matt Hittle ayed
Adopted the 11th day of July, 2013.
Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, certified the foregoing is taken and copied from the record of the proceedings of said Township. The Fiscal Officer is directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Muskingum County requesting that the County Auditor certify this Board the total current tax valuation of Muskingum Township and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated annually by the two and five-tenths (2.5) mill levy.
Maniaci opened for additional old business.
Maniaci opened for comments regarding the walking trail. Fusner stated that Curtis indicated there is not enough space to take our mowers on the trail. Fusner re-iterated that he opposed using our budget on the trail. Mrs. Cohagen opposed using the township budget on the trail. Maniaci indicated the trail could be beneficial to the township and residents. Maniaci re-iterated that the trustees, if not all in agreement, would not approve the walking trail maintenance request.
Maniaci provided update on patching of roads in preparation for chip-seal. We have 3 or 4 more days of patching left before chip-seal.
Maniaci asked about status of Whit Court and county engineer estimate. Hittle stated that Doug Davis sent a text indicating the estimate to be a total of $92,000 and will email a PDF file of the estimate. Hittle stated he is yet to receive the file from Doug Davis. Trustees re-iterated that over 50% of the residents of Whit Court would have to pass a petition to proceed.
Maniaci asked about status of Mrs. Jenkins fence issue. Hittle stated that he provided a list of fence companies and landowners to Mr. Jenkins and hasn't heard anything else to-date.
Maniaci provided follow-up on Mr. Mattingly's letter regarding retirement buy-out presented to trustees. Maniaci went on record, with all trustees in agreement, not to approve Mr. Mattingly's retirement buy-out.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about the status of the township signs on the township vehicles. Maniaci stated the decals have not been added but will have on the trucks by the next regular meeting.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for an update on using the township as shelter facility. Maniaci stated that the Red Cross has approved the building and the Fire Department installed fire alarms. We are waiting on the Red Cross to complete the certification paper work. Maniaci indicated he would follow-up.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Fusner gave an update on the Ohio Township Association meeting he attended. Fusner indicated topics addressed included local government cuts, consolidation of local township associations, risk consultation, safety training, and available grants.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about the property located across from Dollar General at 6415 State Route 60 in need of mowing. Maniaci stated trustees would follow-up on it.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
July 16th Special Meeting
July 16, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Special Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in special session on July 16, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. in the Fire Building for the specific purpose to adopt a resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, RC 5705.191, RC 5705.25, RC 5705.26. All trustees and fiscal officer were present.
There were no residents in attendance.
Maniaci called to order the special meeting and read the above mentioned resolution. The Board of Township Trustees of Muskingum Township, Muskingum County, Ohio met in Special session on July 16, 2013, at the office of the township, with the following members present: Michael G. Maniaci, Steve Fusner, and Matt Hittle.
Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, RC 5705.191, RC 5705.25, RC 5705.26.
Mr. Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael G. Maniaci ayed
Steve Fusner ayed
Matt Hittle ayed
Adopted the 16th day of July, 2013.
Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, certified the foregoing is taken and copied from the record of the proceedings of said Township. The Fiscal Officer is directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Muskingum County requesting that the County Auditor certify this Board the total current tax valuation of Muskingum Township and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated annually by the two and five-tenths (2.5) mill levy.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
August 2013 Regular Meeting
August 1, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on August 1, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present.
The July 16th special meeting minutes were read and approved.
The regular minutes were read. Mrs. Cohagen commented on the regular minutes read and having not mentioned a question ask by Mr. Miller regarding what funds the payments for township garage and cemetery mowing were paid from. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated he missed these comments in the minutes. Maniaci made a motion to have Fiscal Officer amend the minutes to include the question and comments from Mr. Miller and the trustees would have to wait to approve the minutes as amended at the next meeting.
Maniaci stated he spoke with Chief Brown about the funds and proper classification. Maniaci stated that Brown said Falls Fire Department had similar situation with Falls trustees and proper coding of payments for mowing around the township building and the decision reached was not to continue to pay out of the fire fund.
Maniaci made resolution to pay now and moving forward, monies for the contracted services for mowing of the township garage and cemeteries out of the general fund. Fusner seconded. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci made resolution for the general fund to reimburse the fire fund for the $425 monies paid during April through June 2013 for the contracted mowing of township garage and cemetery. Hittle seconded. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Cohagen asked if the township garage and cemetery mowing contracted was paid the same way in prior years, as previously discussed. Baughman stated prior years payments were paid similar.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about the status of the decals on the township vehicles. Maniaci apologized for the delay and will get the decals on the vehicles. Mrs. Cohagen stated she also sees the decals as a liability. Maniaci mentioned an instance occurring last winter with Mr. Ron Thomas, where our township trucks were mistaken for backing into some stones at the entrance of Stone Henge. After doing some investigating Maniaci stated that our trucks were mistaken for the trash trucks.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about any follow-up on the property on Route 60 across from Dollar General. Fusner stated they would have follow-up and get back on this property.
Maniaci stated chip-seal has been completed.
Maniaci asked about Whitt Court. Hittle stated that he spoke the gentlemen from Whitt Court regarding Doug Davis's estimate, the additional bond involved and their next steps if they wanted to proceed with the road project.
Mr. Dunfee asked the trustees about the micro-seal that was discussed last year. Maniaci stated we did not proceed with any micro-seal of roads last year or this year. Maniaci stated that roads with a good base would work best with the micro-seal and the price is closer to 2/3 of asphalt rather that 1/2 of what micro-seal was stating.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci stated he did not receive a fire report at the time of the meeting and would have to report at the next regular meeting.
Maniaci stated that some drainage issues have been identified in and around our township roads. Identified were: Rollins Drive, Northcrest, Vern Door, and Idlewood. Fusner stated Rollins drive needs 18" culverts instead of smaller 12" culverts that were originally installed. Maniaci also stated the trustees believe larger 24" culverts are needed on the Hankes, Rollins Drive and also recommended for the Northcrest drainage problems. Mrs. Cohagen mentioned Epply and Vanderbark areas to take a look at also. Mrs. Sharon Steinmetz, resident on Rollins Drive, presented trustees with some pictures of the water issues on Rollins Maniaci left message with Doug Davis and the trustees will get with Doug Davis to discuss the drainage issue and solutions on the roads identified.
Maniaci stated that Curtis and Charlie were working on a new grader and needed to refill the propane tanks. By using what's left and refilling the tanks is actually about $400 less expensive than continuing to incur monthly rental fee.
Fusner stated that we need to send Joe Zimmerman, 3400 Gorsuch Road, a bill for $180 for a 30' culvert. Fusner also mentioned Mr. Zimmerman mentioned wanting to install an underground electric line. Fusner stated he spoke with Curtis and AEP
Fusner asked about $500 grant and would talk to Curtis about identifying safety items needed that would apply toward the grant.
Fusner stated he received a call from Cotterman at Hickory Hills. Curtis will have to go up to rip rap the ditch.
Fusner stated the new home built by Matt Stotts up at Oakwood 3 North installed a little 6" culvert in the driveway and could be a concern to look at down the road.
Hittle stated the stop sign issue on Rollins Drive was fixed by Doug Davis shortly after Hittle contacted Doug.
Maniaci read a resolution determining to proceed with the submission to the electors of the question of levying a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, 5705.191, 5705.25, 5705.26. Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution, Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed, adopted the 1st day of August, 2013, witnessed and certified, Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, this 1st day of August, 2013.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
September 2013 Regular Meeting
September 5, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on September 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 5 residents present.
The August regular minutes were read approved.
The amendment to the July regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented the following resolution:
Resolution 9-5-2013A Re-Align Appropriations
Upon the recommendation of the Fiscal Officer, The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to realign the following appropriation from one account to another within the same fund per ORC 5705.14 and 5705.16.
Line Item Increase (Decrease) Amount
General Fund - Other Expenses Decrease ($500)
General Fund – Tax Collection Fees Increase $500
Road & Bridge – Other Expenses Decrease ($1,500)
Road & Bridge – Tax Collection Fees Increase $1,500
Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution, Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on meeting with Doug Davis on drainage issues on Northcrest. Mrs. Pulley, Northcrest resident addressed trustees and indicated that she has had water issues over the eight years she has resided on Northcrest. Maniaci stated that he spoke with Doug Davis and determined the trouble lies further up where the water runs away from Northcrest and the size of the culverts is not always the issue. Charlie and Curtis cleaned out some obstructions but the culverts on the properties further up may need cleaned. The township has no right away to maintain these ditches that reside behind these properties and unfortunately looking at a civil matter rather than the township. Hittle indicated that the low areas with that lies ahead of Mrs. Pulley’s property on Northcrest where the water is being backed up needs proper drainage ditches but unfortunately would involve hiring an outside contractor, address with Mr. Thomas the owner of the property or speak with the engineers. Doug Davis did mention that the ditches on Mr. Thomas property needs cleaned and straightened out. Fusner indicated Bob Moore’s property was having similar issues. Hittle indicated that the water will eventually move as he had indicated to Mr. and Mrs. Steinmetz which had similar issues.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up with the property on Rt. 60. Fusner indicated the property is in foreclosure but nothing else. Mrs. Cohagen said that she had spoke with a young lady from Eaglepoint subdivision who indicated that there were many homes in foreclosure in the subdivision that had not been mowed and had overgrown ditches. Shirley McCollister has these properties listed and has sent letters about the conditions but nothing has been done.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolutions:
Resolution 9-5-2013B Transfer of Funds
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to transfer $1,020 from the general fund to the fire fund for monies spent during 2012 for the contracted mowing services of township buildings and cemeteries incurred and approve current and future payments for said services from the general fund. Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Resolution 9-5-2013C Transfer of Funds
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to transfer $464 from the general fund to the fire fund for monies spent during 2013 for the contracted mowing services of township buildings and cemeteries incurred and approve current and future payments for said services from the general fund. Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed
Fiscal Officer presented trustees with the copy of receipt from the Muskingum County Board of Elections for the additional fire levy to be placed on November 5, 2013 ballot.
Fusner asked about the $500 Safety Grant. Fiscal Officer presented the Safety Grant application for the trustees to discuss with Charlie and Curtis on identifying items to include as part of the $500 Safety Grant award.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports and stated that Falls Fire Department’s new software system is still a work in progress and speak with them about getting run times.
July 17 EMS runs August 23 EMS Runs
3 Emergency Runs
ART (average response time) 5.33 minutes
Maniaci presented salt pricing from Cargill. The salt price for this year is $48.84 per ton from Cargill under the state cooperative purchasing contract.
Maniaci stated that Brenton Baker asked about installing a culvert at the Tri-Valley Youth League soccer fields that were being built between the Greens at Vista and the Apartments on Vista View Drive. Maniaci indicated that this was a county road and spoke with Doug Davis about the township installing the culverts for the TVYL. Doug Davis drew up the plans for free which called for a 30’ culvert. TVYL would purchase the culverts. Hittle made motion to install the culverts for the youth league. Maniaci seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci asked trustees about thoughts on any additional township paving this year or just continue to do additional patch work. Maniaci recommended continued patch work instead of paving. Trustees agreed to continue patch work rather than additional paving.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolution:
Resolution 9-5-2013D Adoption of Tax Budget, 2014 Certificate of Estimated Resources
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township move to adopt, this 5th day of September 2013, the following Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing on January 1st, 2014 where the Budget Commission of Muskingum County certified the following amounts and rates:
Amounts inside the 10 Mill Limitation $279,040,
Amounts outside the 10 Mill Limitation $103,480
Total budget estimated $382,520
Other Sources $210,133
Estimated Carryover $35,052
Total Estimated Resources $627,706
Maniaci moved to adopt the resolution. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal Officer provided an update on the township's dental and vision policy. Baughman indicated that Sun Life and Health Insurance converted our current dental and vision insurance plan to another underwriting company effective August 1st. Effective August 1st, the vision benefit was discontinued by Sun Life. Baughman stated that he received various communications from Sun Life regarding the conversion and upcoming changes to the plan and takes responsibility for not identifying this discontuation of vision benefit prior to the August 1st date. Due to the lapse period created from the discontinued vision benefit, Baughman presented the trustees with dental and vision quotes from Rankin & Rankin Insurance and Wichert Insurance and the savings to compare with Sun Life. Baughman also indicated he spoke with Mr. Bud Chess about the insurance reimbursement policy, the Ohio Revised Code on reimbursement and the following resolution presented to the trustees for approval of such insurance benefit reimbursement.
Mrs. Cohagen asked what the reimbursement amount would be and indicated that this amount should only be what was originally covered under the previous vision plan that was discontinued. Maniaci agreed that the reimbursement amount would only be what would have been covered under the original Sun Life vision policy that was in place before the discontinued date.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolution:
Resolution 9-5-2013E, Insurance Reimbursement pursuant to O.R.C. 505.60, 505.601(D), (F)
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township, pursuant to O.R.C. 505.60, 505.601, 505.60(F), due to the termination of vision benefit by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company and the transition to a replacement policy and lapse benefit period created, approve reimbursement of out-of-pocket vision benefit cost incurred during the lapse period, for trustees, fiscal officer, and employees, that would have been covered under the existing policy having not been terminated by Sun Life Health Insurance Company. Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner abstained, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal Officer presented trustees with dental and vision insurance quotes for approval:
Maniaci made motion to approve and procure township dental and vision insurance with Wichert Insurance. The projected savings under Wichert Insurance compared to Sun Life and Rankin & Rankin quotes is approximately $1,261 annually. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner abstained, Hittle ayed.
Fusner stated that he spoke with Mrs. Parimeter that lives on Welch Road and that she does not want a speed limit sign in front of her property.
Fiscal Officer asked the trustees to inquire on the house located on Dresden Road, near Scott Battery, that looks as if it has been abandoned. Baughman indicated that an addition was being built but hasn't seen any activity for a couple of months now and the property is in need of mowing and clean-up.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
October 2013 Regular Meeting
October 3, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on October 3, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 4 residents present.
The September regular minutes were read approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on Northcrest Drive Culvert.
Maniaci stated he spoke with Jason Thomas. Jason Thomas stated that Heritage Court(Oakwood North 3) was going to be paved in October. As for taking a dozer and cleaning out the ditch causing the water issues he would rather not. Maniaci indicated if the water issue is a danger to our roads, we (township) can go in and fix it. Mr. Thomas was in agreement to sign off allowing us to come in and clean-up the ditches causing the water issues.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on Babbs Road Culvert.
Maniaci indicated after talking with Doug Davis, Davis stated that when you change a culvert you change the top and not the bottom. Mr. Helbling's ditch is a mess and needs cleaned out and once Mr. Helbling's ditch is cleaned the water should run out with no issues at all.
Mrs. Cohagen asked if there was some legal way for us to go into Mr. Helbling's property to clean out the ditch since the surface water creates a health hazard and prohibits us from maintaining. Fusner indicated the ditch from the trailer park from Crestmont to Creamery also may be contributing to the problem. Maniaci stated that since Mr. Helbling has issues with the county commissioners, which may or may not bring in EPA, Maniaci indicated that because the water issues involving Mr. Helbling's property does not affect our roads, I won't subject the township and tax dollars to another lawsuit. If we can help we will spend a little time and money where we can.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on Eaglepoint Drive mowing. Maniaci indicated that we mowed what we could mow what we could mow.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on property on Rt. 60. Fusner indicated that the property is in foreclosure and after talking with Bud Chess, he says to stay out of it when dealing with foreclosed properties. Maniaci indicated, excluding foreclosures, legally the property only needs to be mowed two times per year minimum. The owner of the property, Ms. Charlotte Fuldon, is deceased and the property may be in an estate or in probate court.
Fusner updated status on the $500 safety grant. Fusner discussed signs and uniforms to order so we could take advantage of the safety grant.
Hittle provided update on Ms. Jenkins fence issue located on Gorsuch Road. Hittle spoke with Ms. Jenkins and ran into Mr. Shirer and indicated that by the time Hittle left his discussion with Mr. Shirer, they were working on a potential splitting of the cost between the two. Maniaci and Hittle indicated that they would look at the law regarding line fencing again.
Hittle indicated he spoke with Mrs. Drumell requested a new culvert.
Baughman inquired about progress on Dresden Road property. Trustees looked at it but nothing has been done to-date.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Mrs. Violet Kovaleski indicated that she has lived in Muskingum Township since 1950 and is moving out of the township. She wanted to thank the trustees for all of their work since she has resided in Muskingum Township and will cast her ballot one last time for our township this November before she leaves.
Maniaci indicated that he received estimates for asphalt patching since it is too big for Charlie and Curtis to take care of. One estimate from Birkheimer/Jan Crawmer for $12,925 and one from Neff Paving for $16,000. Maniaci made motion to accept estimate from Birkheimer/Jan Crawmer for $12,925 for asphalt patch work. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports:
September 17 EMS runs A.R.T. 7.00 minutes
2 Fire run A.R.T. 5:16 minutes
Fusner inquired since Mr. Ron Thomas is paving the section of Oakwood 3 what the cost would be to do the section from the apartments to the park where the tennis courts are to the cross-over and if Ron would do this also. Maniaci would speak with Mr. Thomas.
Hittle indicated that he spoke with the resident on Saad Court about decision not to pave this year and would discuss next year when it comes time to decide on roads to pave.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
November 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on November 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 9 residents present.
The October regular minutes were read approved. Hittle motioned to approve minutes. Fusner seconded. Maniaci ayed.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolution for Trustees approval.
Resolution #11-7-2013, Realign Appropriations
Upon the recommendation of the Fiscal Officer, The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to realign the following appropriation from one account to another within the same fund per ORC 5705.14 and 5705.16.
Line Item Increase (Decrease) Amount
General Fund - Other Expenses Decrease ($1,200)
General Fund – Telephone Expenses Increase $1,200
Road & Bridge – Contract Service Decrease ($4,650.37)
Road & Bridge – Principle Increase $4,336.22
Road & Bridge - Interest Increase $314.15
Fire Fund - Operating Supplies Decrease ($24,528.87)
Fire Fund - Other Expenses Decrease ($15,471.13)
Fire Fund - Contract Services Increase $40,000.00
Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution, Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal officer presented “then-and-now” appropriation to allocate principle and interest on final loan payment on the Backhoe for $4,650.37. The “then-and-now” appropriation certifies the “then” availability of funds at the time of the 3-7-2013 appropriation. Maniaci made motion to accept “then-and-now” appropriation #3-2013. Fusner seconded. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mr. Dunfee from Licking Township addressed the difference in payment from what Matt Russell at the county engineers office calculated for chip-seal of .03 tenths of a mile for Vanderbark Drive. Maniaci stated we paid the $330 from what Matt Russell had calculated for us to pay. Mr. Dunfee stated they put on .04 tenths. Maniaci told Mr. Dunfee to send us an invoice.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci stated Oakwood North has been paved and we need to send this to the county to begin assessment of tax.
Maniaci stated that the patching of roads from Birkheimer would begin Wednesday of next week. Maniaci stated that for an additional $1,000 they would patch over in front of Jacks Fairway, Williamsburg Square and that Mr. Evan Atkinson stated he would cover this cost.
Maniaci stated that he wasn’t able to get in contact with the homeowner on Dresden Road, however the property has been mowed and cleaned up since the last meeting.
Maniaci stated that he spoke with Brad Stubbins regarding Eaglepoint properties and gave him an estimate for the mowing and Brad stated it was too much money. Brad stated he would have to get with Shirley McCollister to get these properties mowed. Maniaci indicated that he hasn’t heard back from Brad and nothing has been done to-date.
Mrs. Cohagen asked if there was something in the ORC that addresses this and would allow us to take care of the mowing for these properties. Maniaci stated we would have to first send them a letter addressing the properties in need of mowing. Maniaci stated he is waiting to hear back from Brad Stubbins and Shirley McCollister before proceeding with the letters.
Maniaci stated he has no information to report about on the property on Route 60 to-date.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports:
October 11 EMS runs A.R.T. 8.21 minutes
3 Fire run A.R.T. (unable to determine from report)
Maniaci stated he received a phone call from a lady on Shannon Valley Road regarding a propane tank on a right away. Maniaci spoke with Doug Davis and this is a county issue and not a township road.
Fusner stated he received letter from OTARMA regarding risk management. Fusner stated that based on the recommendations and forms provided by OTARMA we haven't identified any issues that would require us to update the forms they provided.
Fusner stated he received a letter from Shirley Wood thanking the trustees for all the mowing, cleaning of ditches and roads that has been done.
Maniaci made motion to continue to extend our policy of providing insurance benefits and reimbursement for the township employees and officers if they choose to participate. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that before we adjourn, he would like to thank Steve Fusner and present a cake to him as Steve will be retiring at the end of November after 24 years of service as trustee.
Fusner moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
December 5, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on December 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 4 residents present.
The November regular minutes were read approved. Maniaci motioned to approve minutes. Hittle seconded.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci stated Mrs. Sellars wanted everyone to know that the reason she was not at the meetings was due to an accident she had her residence and suffered some broken bones and would not be attending the meetings for a while as she will be rehabbing from her accident. Maniaci wished her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about mowing of Eaglepoint properties. Maniaci stated Brad Stubbins and Shirley McCollister found someone to mow them for $100 a property and as of today 3 of the 5 have been done and they were working on the others.
Maniaci provided update on residence on 2615 Frazeysburg Road. Maniaci went to records department, there is no estate and the property is sitting there in limbo while Medicaid has a lien on the property. Maniaci indicated that the attorney handling the property stated there is no immediate family, next of kin, the house is paid off and no family is interested in the property. In some situations where there is no one to force this into an estate, the property is just left to be until someone buys the property. At this moment, Maniaci indicated we are in a wait and see if the attorney can force it to and estate. Maniaci would get with Bud Chess regarding the process to send the appropriate letters and any rules that would allow us to mow the property since there is no estate and a lien on the home.
Maniaci stated Fiscal Officer indicated letter received regarding our credit card indicating it was still opened even though we notified them to close the account. Maniaci indicated, in the meantime, we will keep it opened until our new account is resolved.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports for November:
19 EMS runs (7 at 1 resident) A.R.T. 7.00 minutes
2 Non-Emergency Fire run A.R.T. 11.08 minutes
1 Fire Run A.R.T. 15 minutes
Maniaci stated that National Gas and Oil Co-operative is requesting an easement for some work on Creamery Road at the intersection of Welch and St.Mary's. Hittle stated he would contact Doug Davis since Creamery is not legally our road. Maniaci made motion to go ahead and approve the easement if the County Engineer approves this after Hittle discusses this with Doug. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that since the fire levy that was placed on this past Novembers ballot failed to pass in our township we wanted to get the process started again this evening of getting the levy placed on the May 2014 ballot. Maniaci stated to Mr. Fell, even though you are not officially sitting in right now, Maniaci offered Mr. Fell the floor to offer his opinion on the fire levy before we proceed with the resolution. Mr. Fell indicated that the overwhelming opinion was that the residents of our township were not happy with the presentation of the levy and the confusion and non-committal to our township that was presented by Falls Fire Department. Fire levies typically always pass and Falls relied on that alone. Maniaci agreed and also indicated there was even confusion amongst some at time of casting their ballots and the entire presentation of the fire levy for our township was handled poorly.
Maniaci stated this is a process of placing the fire levy on the ballot and tonight is the first step. Maniaci presented the following resolution, The Board of Township Trustees of Muskingum Township, Muskingum County, Ohio met in regular session on December 5, 2013, at the office of the township, with the following members present: Michael G. Maniaci, Matt Hittle. Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, 5705.191, 5705.25, 5705.26 for the purpose of providing and maintaining fire and medical equipment, personnel and services. The levy shall be submitted to electors for approval on the May 6, 2014 ballot. Adopted the 5th day of December 5, 2013. Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, certified the foregoing is taken and copied from the record of the proceedings of said Township and directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Muskingum County requesting that the County Auditor certify this Board the total current tax valuation of Muskingum Township and dollar amount of revenue generated annually by the two and five-tenths (2.5) mill levy.
Mr. Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael Maniaci ayed
Matt Hittle ayed
Mrs. Cohagen asked about getting the minutes updated on the website. Maniaci stated we would as issues with credit card has stalled this and would work on the updating.
Maniaci wanted to make mentioned that in an effort to keep our roads in as good condition as we can, preventative maintenance, we will be looking at some sort of crack-sealing for our roads in 2014. We will explore options available with the vendors while attending Columbus show this year. Mr. Fell indicated his driveway was recently crack-sealed and the seal dries instantly and should provide another 5-10 years out of the driveway.
Maniaci stated the end of the year meeting will be held on Monday, December 30, 2013 at 7pm and the 2014 Re-Organizational meeting will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 7pm.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
DATE: December 27, 2012
PURPOSE OF MEETING: 2013 Re-Organizational Meeting
OPENING: Muskingum Township Trustees met in special session at 7 p.m. on December 27, 2012 for the re-organizational meeting in the Fire Building. All Trustees and Fiscal Officer were present. There were 2 residents present.
Steve Fusner nominated Mike Maniaci for President, Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made the motion to have Matt Hittle and Steve Fusner on the Burial Committee. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made the motion to keep the emergency labor at $8.00 per hour unless they have a CDL and then they would be paid $10.00 per hour. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made a motion to increase the road crew workers Curtis Salmons and Charles Mattingly’s pay rate by approximately 5%. Salmons would increase to $16.25 and Mattingly to $14.00. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci made motion to keep public records policy the same for this year, public records will be provided in a timely manner/or the next regularly scheduled meeting. That there will be an optional written request advising what records is requested. The charge will be $.05 per page and $2.50 for cassette tape copies. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci stated that one of the recommendations from the auditors after our audit was to have a credit card policy. Maniaci made a motion to accept the following credit card policy #12-27-12. All three trustees and fiscal officer will have access to the Capital one Visa Card, Tractor Supply and Lowes cards. Township Maintenance workers will have access to all credit cards. The limits for all cards will be $150 per transaction. If purchase is over that amount, permission must be obtained by township trustees. Fusner seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci made the motion that the Township equipment can be operated by all road crew and trustees or any other person who has been authorized by the trustees or road crew to do so. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci read and motioned the adoption of the Annual Temporary Appropriations Resolution for fiscal year December 31, 2013 (per O.R.C. 5705.38) until the Amended Official Certificate of Estimated Resources is adopted and received from the Office of Budget Commission, Muskingum County, Ohio and permanently appropriated no later than April 1, 2013. Hittle seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that the public records policy is posted in the township hall, the township garage and both fire stations.
Maniaci stated the inventory will be completed and be submitted to the County Engineer by second week per O.R.C. 505.04.
The Records Commission, according to O.R.C. 149.42 will consist of a Chairman of the Board; this being Mike Maniaci and the Fiscal Officer, Jason Baughman will be the Records Commission. Maniaci made the motion, seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Maniaci made the motion that employees/elected officials who are authorized to use their private vehicles for township business such as conferences, training, etc. will be reimbursed at the standard mileage reimbursement rate established by the I.R.S. of 56.5 cents per mile which is allowable under the O.R.C. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci moved to keep the regular monthly township meetings the first Thursday of every month at the township fire station at 7:00 p.m. That is will be posted in the newspaper once, on the website and posted monthly on the sign in the front of the township. Any changes or special meetings will be posted on the website, the sign out in the front of the township hall and newspaper at least 24 hours before the meeting. Hittle seconded. All ayed.
In regards to “Storage and distribution of personnel files and personal information”, Maniaci appointed the fiscal officer to have control of all files. Fusner seconded. All ayed. All personnel files will be in a locked filing cabinet at the township building. Fiscal Officer was informed that he/she is responsible for all the rules adopted in accordance with this section and shall maintain a written request log and show trustees requests made; they can sign off on the request which will show they are monitoring the accuracy of the requests. If there is a question of what can or cannot be released, fiscal officer is to contact legal counsel, Bud Chess. If above rules are not followed a written reprimand could be issued from the prosecutor’s office and could lead to termination depending on the situation. Maniaci made the motion to accept this procedure. Fusner seconded. All ayed.
Maniaci stated that there is a new OPERS independent contractor acknowledgement form that is required to be completed for individuals providing personal services to a public employer on or after January 7, 2013.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
DATE: February 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Record Commission meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Records Commission met on February 7, 2013 following the regular monthly meeting in the Fire Building. Chairman Mike Maniaci and Fiscal Officer Jason T. Baughman were present.
Maniaci made a motion that at this time the commission has nothing to discuss as far as records to get rid of. Fiscal Officer Baughman advised there is nothing to address at the present time.
All other records will be left as they are for now.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Baughman. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, FISCAL OFFICER
February 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on February 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present.
The minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci stated and Hittle confirmed that the annual back-flow testing has been completed.
Maniaci addressed zoning issue as discussed in January minutes. Maniaci made motion that before the trustees spend any township money on zoning, if the township residents want zoning we would hold off until the township residents present a petition to the board. Fusner Seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated the inventory was completed and filed, as required, with Doug Davis at county engineer’s office.
Maniaci stated that the new truck is here and working well.
Maniaci stated we allowed for 100 tons of salt this year and just placed 25 ton order and will not be under our required minimum ton limit.
Hittle stated that Mr. Vanderbark contacted him about some missing dirt and requested an alternate route out of Beech Run Road and requested a meeting to discuss. Hittle stated he told Mr. Vanderbark the trustees would discuss at our next meeting. Maniaci stated he spoke with Charlie and the township does maintain mowing and plowing of Rock Cut and Beech Run. Maniaci stated that every law that he has read was done properly when the old access on Beech Run Road was closed in 1931. At that time this was a county road and the road was vacated. The county commissioners can vacate a road anytime they want to. Maniaci proposed that the trustees speak with Zemba to give Mr. Vanderbark an alternate entry at no cost to which should be minimal expense to Zemba.
Mr. Chris Fenton asked if sale proceeds of the Ford Tanker and Chevy Mini Pumper were placed in the fire fund. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that the proceeds were not placed in this fund. Hittle made motion to have the proceeds for the sale of this equipment transferred to the fire fund. Maniaci seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Jerry Miller asked if and when the bid for mowing of Cemetery and Fire House would be done this year. Maniaci stated we would address the bidding at our March meeting.
Fusner asked trustees about the letter received regarding the rehabilitation and refurbish apartments from the Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group. Maniaci made motion to approve and sign the proposed letters to support the MEOAG Fairway Lane apartment rehabilitation project and submit after reviewing this with prosecuting attorney Chess. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci read the fire report for January:
0 Fire Emergency ART (avg. response time) 0:00 minutes
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
10 EMS runs ART 9:20 minutes
Maniaci made motion to accept resolution #2072013 to sell the 1997 International Dump Truck, as is, for $7,000 ($4,000 in cash and $3,000 toward township project work) to Muskingum County, Division of Engineers office, in accordance with O.R.C. 505.101. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner nayed, Hittle ayed.
Mr. Chris Fenton stated that the back room in the Fire building was cleaned and asked the trustees to sort through the items to be inventoried or properly disposed or stored.
Maniaci stated there was incident in Stonehenge North where something hit the Stonehenge stone sign. Mr. Thomas called the trustees and asked if one of our trucks hit the stone. Maniaci stated a blue truck made the mark. Big O actually hit it and the driver actually reported it but Big O did nothing. Mr. Thomas is taking this up with Big O now.
Hittle stated that a Gentleman on Eric Adam Drive stated that one of our plows tore up some of his gravel driveway. Hitler explained to the gentleman that this occurs sometimes when plowing and let us know if needs fixing.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
March 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on March 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 2 residents present, Commissioner Porter and Michael Hood from Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
The records commission meeting were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci introduced Michael Hood from the Muskingum Economic Opportunity Action Group.
Mr. Hood discussed the revitalization project of the Links, a 31 unit family property, section 8, HUD property. The new name after the revitalization would be called Fairway Vista. Fairfield Homes has partnered with MEOAG through the low income housing tax credit program to revitalize and remodel these units. Six County will also assist after the revitalization is complete. The units will be one floor handicap accessible section 8 rental units. The MEOAG has submitted the grant application for the project but will not know if successful until June or July of 2013 with construction beginning in 2014. After the remodel Six County would have a 1% stake in the project with the MEOAG the majority owner. Fairfield Management would handle the on-site day to day management of rental units. One issue the MEOAG and their funding sources have asked to address is the road condition of the North Vista View Drive. The project does allow for approximately $180K toward road improvements. Depending on road improvement cost the MEOAG has considered applying for the Community Development Block Grant available through the County. This grant does encourage matching contributions with two options of filing for the grant. One option is through application by MEOAG a non-profit and the second would be an application by the township itself. Mr. Hood stated that one concern of the MEOAG with the project is the future maintenance of the road conditions once the project is completed. Mr. Hood stated that a commitment letter from the township would carry a lot of weight in the grant approval process of this application.
Maniaci stated that this is a normal process before the township would take over any road. The road would actually first be taken over by the commissioners meeting county engineer specifications and then signed over to the township for maintenance of the road.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mr. Lester Vanderbark addressed the trustees by asking them what the Trustees had decided about assisting his family with an alternate access road on their property at Rock Cut Road to Beech Run Road due to his concerns surrounding the recent railroad derailment near his property, claim of his property being land locked and lowering of Rock Cut Road. Maniaci stated that he has spoke with Zemba about cutting an alternate route for Mr. Vanderbark at no charge and is waiting to hear back from Zemba. Hittle asked Mr. Vanderbark would he be satisfied with Zemba cutting an alternate access on his property. Mr. Vanderbark stated that this would help with this situation however Mr. Vanderbark stated that this would not address the other situation with the road over the hill that he understands and claimed was not legally closed. Maniaci stated he did provide Mr. Vanderbark with proof of this petition from 1931 signed by the commissioners. Maniaci stated that the Township is not legally required to maintain a road until the Commissioners approve and given to the Township to maintain. Maniaci re-stated the original questioned asked by Trustee Hittle, if Zemba cuts the alternate access road for his property would he be satisfied, with a signed statement and with Mr. Vanderbark agreement to maintain this access as the township is not required to maintain this road since its legally on personal property. Mr. Vanderbark stated he would have to discuss this with family and get back with the township.
Maniaci presented and read the Fire Department inventory list of items identified in the back room that was cleaned out last month and research our requirement for proper disposal.
Fusner introduced Mr. Dean Butcher resident on Cranberry Road who has culvert issues and since Mr. Butcher has historically allowed the Township to park our equipment on property. Fusner made motion to install both culverts on his property including the bus turn-around. Hittle seconded, all ayed
Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci stated he didn’t receive a fire department run report and would have for next meeting.
Maniaci presented and made motion to accept sealed bids for lawn maintenance of five cemeteries and the township garage and fire building. Mowing services shall be performed on Bi-weekly schedule for the cemeteries and weekly at the township garage and fire station from April 15th thru October 30, 2012. The sealed bids will be opened at the regular scheduled April 4, 2013 meeting at 7pm. Trustees reserve right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities. Bids specifications would be listed minimum of two times in the newspaper, and listed on township website. Hittle seconded, all ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci made motion to accept sealed bids for limestone and gravel used for chip-seal, approximately 1,200 tons with no guarantee of quantity. Sealed bids will be opened immediately at next regularly scheduled meeting on April 4, 2013 at 7pm. The bid specifications for the aggregate will be listed a minimum of two times in the newspaper and listed on the township website. Trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids and waive irregularities. Maniaci made motion. Fusner seconded, all ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that Curtis and Charlie informed him that the trees along the road are starting to become an issue when mowing. Fusner mentioned the trees on Stagecoach Road and Winter Wood Road were bad. Maniaci stated a list of residents and locations would be obtained and presented a letter for review informing the resident about the overhanging tree issues and to refer any questions to the trustees. Commissioner Porter mentioned that the Muskingum County Excel Program may be available to assist with the tree trimming as they received some grant money for assistance with projects like this due to the recent disaster clean-up.
Maniaci stated that there was an EMS run to Mr. & Mrs. Sellars home this afternoon. Curtis had to assist with pulling out 2 squads that got stuck in their driveway.
Maniaci reminded the Trustees about their meeting with the County Engineer about our available funds for 2013.
Maniaci presented a letter for Trustee signatures from the Ohio Dept of Transportation for maintenance of 47.362 miles vs. 47 miles last year due to the Northern Place
Fusner stated that Mr. Dunfee was asking about payment for chip-seal of Vanderbark. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated it would be paid by next meeting.
Maniaci stated and presented a letter from the County Commissioners regarding the road name change of McCaslin Road back to Woods Road. The letter from the County Commissioners approved the road name change from McCaslin back to Woods Road. Commissioner Porter stated there was a public hearing was held, which no residents attended, and the road name change was approved.
Maniaci stated Charlie finished mowing Dresden Road.
Fiscal Officer presented trustees with 2013 Permanent Appropriation Budget based on the Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources from the County Auditor, as required by April 1, 2012, O.R.C. 5705.38.
Maniaci read and made motion to approve the Permanent Appropriations Budget.
Total Estimated Revenues for 2013 $592,653.52
Total carryover from 2012 $51,797.96
For total 2013 budget appropriations of $644,451.48
Fusner seconded, all ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal Officer Baughman stated that the Federal portion of the FEMA funds has been received and is waiting on the final portion from the State of Ohio.
Fusner moved to adjourn. Seconded by Hittle. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
April 2013 Regular Meeting
April 4, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on April 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 6 residents present.
Bids for gravel and limestone were opened.
The following bids were received:
Mar-Zane Materials - $20.00 per ton for #8 limestone delivered and $14.50 per ton for #8 or #9 gravel delivered.
Maysville Materials - $19.65 per ton for #8 limestone delivered and no bid for #8 or #9 gravel.
The Shelly Company - $18.00 per ton for #8 limestone delivered and $14.75 per ton #8 or #9 gravel delivered.
Hittle made a motion to accept bid for gravel at $14.75 per ton delivered from The Shelly Company as they provided all disclosures as specified in the bid requirements. Mar-Zane Materials bid did not include all disclosures as stated in bid requirements. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Bids for Cemetery, Township Garage and Fire Building lawn maintenance were opened.
The following bids were received:
Murray Landscaping and Lawncare - $3,290, billed at $470 per month, based on 7 months.
Muskingum River Lawncare - $3,500, billed at $500 per month, based on 7 months.
Quality Landscape Contractors, LLC - $4.690, billed at $670 per month, based on 7 months.
Twin Hills Landscaping - $3,248, billed at $464 per month, based on 7 months.
All lawn maintenance bidders provided proper documentation specified in the bid requirements. Fusner made a motion to accept lawn maintenance bid from Twin Hills Landscaping for $3,248, billed at $464 per month, based on 7 months. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Sellers addressed and presented pictures to the trustees regarding the EMS run to her house for her husband and the ambulance getting stuck in her driveway at her residence. She stated that three squads had arrived with two getting stuck. She stated that she was told that her house was the fourth house Falls squads have gotten stuck at on runs. She stated that a lot of time was spent and asked why they called Ritchy, Falls, Dresden and the County EMS for squads due to their proximity to her residence. She also asked why they chose the route taken due to it taking one and half hours to arrive at the hospital. Mrs. Sellers stated that she was not addressing this just because this happened with Falls and her husband but just wanted to address this situation and inform the trustees since our township is contracting with Falls and hoped by addressing these issues, investigating and ask why they occurred will prevent future occurrences like this from happening. Hittle and Maniaci stated they would ask Falls about the issues and concerns surrounding this instance. Maniaci asked Mrs. Sellers if this exact same situation had occurred with the old fire department would her reaction and concerns be the same. Mrs. Sellers stated she could not answer that since it didn’t occur with the old fire department.
Mr. Lester Vanderbark presented the trustees with a 1978 tax map of his property. Mr. Vanderbark stated that he still hasn’t seen a properly signed petition indicating this road closure and had spoken with another trustee from another township which also stated in his opinion that this road was not legally closed. Mr. Vanderbark did not provide the name of this trustee. Mr. Vanderbark stated that there is a slip on Rock Cut Road coming out of the bank of his property in his opinion due to the road widening. Maniaci and Hittle stated they would come and look at it. Mr. Vanderbark stated, as a follow-up to the cutting an alternate access on his property, in his opinion he did not believe he should, nor would, sign a written statement for cutting the alternate access since in his opinion the road wasn’t legally closed. Maniaci stated that Mr. Vanderbark’s dispute is with the county and the commissioners and not the township.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci read the fire report for February:
0 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 0:00 minutes
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
10 EMS runs ART 9:20 minutes
Maniaci read the fire report for March:
2 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 8:30 minutes
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
10 EMS runs ART 9:24 minutes
Maniaci followed-up and stated that it didn’t look like we were going to get any help from the Excel program.
Fusner asked about the township getting a block grant for the Vista View revitalization project instead of the MEOAG. Maniaci stated that Mr. Hood stated that the MEOAG stated they would do this and not the township.
Fusner asked about the road name error submitted by the county engineer’s department. Maniaci stated that the engineer’s department submitted Cyprus Road instead of Cypress Circle to the State of Ohio. Whatever it says on the State’s road inventory is what the name would be. Maniaci stated he did a search and as of this meeting the road is listed on the State’s road inventory correctly as Cypress Circle. Fusner stated he would make some calls and follow-up with the road name.
Fusner stated that he received 2 calls; one regarding the speeding on Welsh Road and another inquiring about brooming the road on Eric Adam Lane. Fusner stated may want to get car counter for Welsh and follow-up with any need for brooming of roads this year.
Maniaci presented trustees with chip-seal proposal to complete and approve from the County Engineer’s office for use of our available 2013 Type 1 material and Type 2 chip-seal and emulsion funds awarded from the County Engineer’s office. Maniaci made motion to accept County Engineer’s proposal and use of the Type 1 and Type 2 funds. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Hittle asked about prior discussions regarding culvert replacement and recommended the trustees get with each other to discuss and identify the culverts in questioned and ones to address this year. Maniaci stated they would assess them and get some measurements so they could identify and prioritize them.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
May 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2013
May 2, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on May 2, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci stated he spoke with Falls Township EMS regarding the EMS run to Mrs. Sellers home. Falls stated the other instances of being stuck on runs that Mrs. Sellers referenced were actually due to snow plowing of the roads. Falls stated that Dresden was called instead of Licking because Dresden was closer. In regards to the route taken, Falls indicated that the route chosen was actually 9/10 mile shorter and a smoother route. Falls stated that it was determined the patient was stable, vitals stable, therefore “running hot” was not necessary. Mrs. Sellers disagreed with Falls responses and asked Maniaci if he would come out to her home so she could show him some additional pictures she had take on this incident. Maniaci would arrange a time to meet with Mr. Sellers.
Maniaci presented the list of fire equipment identified at the last meeting for review and motion for disposal. Maniaci also recommended adding the old compressor to the list for disposal. Maniaci made motion to dispose of the equipment as identified on the list excluding the computer. Fusner seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated he received an email and phone call from Zack Helms from Microseal. Maniaci is meeting with Mr. Helms in Cambridge on May 7th to look at some roads with the microseal and discuss some of our own township roads, pricing and our interest in microsealing some of our township roads this year.
Maniaci stated the Vista View revitalization project forms have been signed.
Maniaci stated we did not receive an April fire run report and would have to report at our next meeting.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Hittle introduced Mr. Jeff Miller and Mr. Adam Woytko. Mr. Miller and Mr. Woytko presented a petition from the residents of their subdivision, Whit Lane just off of Welsh Road. Fusner stated that the reason the road and cul-de-sac of their subdivision was never taken over by the township because the subdivision platted by Mrs. Weaver didn’t have the proper right a ways. The property owners would have to agree to a 50 foot right away. Maniaci stated the first step we should do today is to make a motion to accept the petition presented by Mr. Miller and Mr. Woytko and residents of their subdivision to get the ball rolling and second, get with Doug Davis and get over to their subdivision to see what all is needed to get the road up to specifications.
Hittle made motion to accept the proposal/petition presented by Mr. Miller and Mr. Waytko to get the ball rolling with addressing the road and right away issue in their subdivision. Maniaci seconded. All ayed. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Hittle stated that he received a call from Lever and Rose Ellen Jenkins regarding installing a new line fence on their property on Gorsuch. Hittle spoke with Mr. John Shirer the apartment owner regarding the existing line fence and getting together with Mrs. Jenkins and discussing a solution that would satisfy all parties impacted by installation of this line fence by Mrs. Jenkins. Maniaci stated he wanted to read the RC 971-03 and RC971-04 Hittle presented which discusses installing fences.
Hittle stated Mr. Drake Prouty has asked if we would maintain a 2 mile section of a walking trail that runs through our township. Maniaci spoke with Commissioner Lavey and Bonnie Dailey about this and recommended the trustee’s set-up a meeting with Bonnie Daily to discuss this further and get more details first before we make any decision regarding Mr. Prouty’s request.
Fusner stated there is a culvert located at 6200 Georgia Road that he wanted the trustees to look and get their opinion on.
Maniaci presented and identified roads to discuss for chip-seal this year. In 2011, Prior Road and Kenlo Woods were chip-sealed. In 2012 Chugg, New Riley, McCasslin, Fulton, and Schneider were chip-sealed. Maniaci recommended chip-sealing Prior Road, Dutch School, Stage Coach, McCasslin, Beech Run, Jones Road, Fawn Drive, and Dresden Road this year.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
June 2013 Regular Meeting
June 6, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on June 6, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 2 residents present.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Baughman stated final payment was made on back-hoe loan and we received the final Ohio portion of the FEMA grant to go along with the Federal portion we received back March.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci reiterated to Mr. Vanderbark that township trustees cannot do anything in regards to opening or closing of roads. The county commissioners have this authority. The township would only maintain the roads once the county engineer certifies the road is brought up to specifications and when the county commissioners turn over the road to the township to maintain. Maniaci recommended that Mr. Vanderbark address this with the county commissioner.
Maniaci provided an update on the meeting with Drake Prouty regarding the maintenance of the 2 mile stretch of walking trail in our township. Maniaci indicated that the trail definitely needs some assistance with mowing with our side-arm mowers. Maniaci stated approximately two times per year and upon the request when needed. Maniaci stated he was in favor of assisting with maintenance of the walking trail. Fusner stated, although not opposed to helping out with the trail, he feels any maintenance on this trail should be done after our township mowing and other work is complete and has issues with paying our own employees to mow the trail when we already contract to pay for mowing of our own cemeteries and township hall.
Mr. Vanderbark stated that he also did not agree with the township mowing the trail in addition to the mowing of our township roads.
Hittle stated that it would be nice to help out since they don't have the right equipment needed and would be nice to have a well maintained trail for the township, however at this point we should table the discussion until the trustees can investigate all that would entail with maintenance of the trail. Fusner stated we should walk the trail to see what we would actually be getting into. Maniaci stated that Drake Prouty indicated that they get a volunteer work committee together 2 or 3 times per year to perform some maintenance on the trail. The township would only be asked as a back-up. The trustees agreed to table this until further information is obtained.
Maniaci indicated that he met with Zach Helms in Cambridge and went over some roads that were micro-sealed. They looked at some subdivisions and long stretches of roads. Maniaci stated that he was impressed with the roads that were micro-sealed and the roads were smoother with a look and feel of "skid resistant." Maniaci stated that Mr. Helms will schedule a time to come down to our township to drive and look at some of our roads and give his opinion and some estimates.
Maniaci stated that he stopped in to see Doug Davis regarding Whit Court. Doug was not in at the time but Matt Russell was to relay the message to Doug about getting over to Whit Court to estimate this project before our next meeting.
Maniaci followed-up with the culvert on Gorsuch Road. The culvert is bad and in need of replacing.
Maniaci asked about Mrs. Jenkins fence issue. Hittle stated he had not heard anything more from Mrs. Jenkins to-date. Hittle stated that the first step in the process would be for the two residents to try to rectify the issue amongst themselves. Maniaci stated that his interpretation of the code is that the resident has a lot to do first such as addressing with residents first, there would be a 10 day viewing notice, court sessions, involve resident hiring a recorder, and contact all the residents with property touching the property in question just to name a few. In the end, not all cost of addressing the fence issue would be equal among parties involved and after all of this is done there would be a 60 day arbitration period.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Mr. Charles Mattingly indicated he would be turning 60 and was looking into the OPERS options regarding retiring and service credit buy-out options. Mr. Mattingly presented letter to the trustees and fiscal officer regarding OPERS retirement options to consider. Maniaci stated that we would take his letter under advisement and look into the OPERS service credit and retirement options that are currently available.
Maniaci stated that the fire run reports for May were not available at the time of the meeting and would report at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Fusner stated he spoke with a contractor for Chris Luthi on Gorsuch road regarding a garage he was building for a guy on Gorsuch road that was needing a culvert and catch basin installed. Fusner stated that after the aforementioned catch basin and culvert on the Gorsuch property is fixed the township would put the drive way culvert in.
Hittle stated and wanted to address in the minutes that he and Maniaci went to Mrs. Sellers residence to understand and for her to show them what had happened involving the emergency call to her residence for her husband. Hittle and Maniaci stated that they have been addressed to what had occurred and understand Mrs. Sellers concerns and will make sure that the Falls Fire/EMS will use this situation as reference and for future training opportunities.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
July 2013 Regular Meeting
July 11, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on July 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present and 7 Falls Township Fire Department members including Chief Mark Brown.
The regular minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened the meeting by provided updates on Falls run reports.
Maniaci stated Falls Fire Department has been in a process of changing systems therefore monthly run times were delayed and unavailable at the time of the prior months meetings. Falls was present and presented updated run reports to the trustees.
Maniaci read the fire report for April:
3 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 7:29 minutes
2 Non Emergency ART 8:00 minutes
17 EMS runs ART 7:23 minutes
Maniaci read the fire report for May:
4 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) 8:55 minutes
1 Non Emergency ART 2:00 minutes
11 EMS runs ART 8:40 minutes
Maniaci read the fire report for June:
8 Fire Emergency ART(avg. response time) unavailable
0 Non Emergency ART 0:00 minutes
11 EMS runs ART unavailable
Maniaci introduced Falls Township Fire Department and Chief Mark Brown. Chief Mark Brown and the Falls Township Volunteer Fire Department Inc. formally requested the Muskingum Township Trustees to place on the November ballet a New Additional 2.5 mill levy to be used for operations, replacement of fire, personnel, medical equipment and services and updating and or building of new fire stations.
Chief Mark Brown presented and identified the following issues and support for the necessity of the requested 2.5 mill levy on the November 2013 ballot for both Falls and Muskingum Township:
-Falls Fire Dept. is projecting a $3 million downfall/shortfall in budget and funds over the next three years due to funding cuts and mandatory equipment upgrades and replacements due to federal standard mandates and phase-outs.
-Falls Fire Dept. is one department covering both Falls and Muskingum Township including a "mutual aid contract" serving the entire county.
-Falls Fire Dept. has seen run number tripled and is projected to do over 1900 calls this year alone and indicated that Fire Districts are eminent.
-Falls Fire Dept. has 3 vehicles in need of replacing. The Tower Truck replacement alone is approx. $1.2 million and a Tanker Truck engine replacement approx. $225K.
-Falls Fire Dept. indicated that the days of 100% volunteer are over and is proposing to staff 2 full-time at Muskingum Township Fire Dept. and 2 full-time at Falls Township, 24 hours per day. Staffing Muskingum Township alone would be approx. $210K.
-The proposed levy at Falls and Muskingum Township would be a $2.5 mill increase. For example, the tax of a homeowner with approximately $200K home value would be $230 per year. For the 3 stations round clock is equivalent to about .63 cents per day.
- Chief Brown stated Falls payroll alone $365K. "Squad Billing" is not enough to cover the staffing as Falls doesn't collect call like other providers like Community and only collect what insurance covers. Currently Paramedics makes $10 p/hr and Chief Brown $9 p/hr.
-Chief Brown indicated other equipment needing replaced: 25 radios at $5K each to meet federal standards, 3 Heart monitors approx. $100K, and 51 air packs at $5K each to meet federal standards mandates.
-The two township levy's will be beneficial, however may not completely eliminate need for financing but can definitely help with reducing debt service terms such as 7 year vs. 5 years.
-Falls Township has already adopted the levy resolution and on file with County Auditor and been provided a program to calculate the tax impact to the homeowner.
Hittle stated support for Falls and the necessity of this levy in both Falls and Muskingum Township.
Maniaci re-iterated that if both levies pass there will be FT employees provided at both townships. If only one levy passes and the other doesn't what will happen? Chief Brown stated both levy's need to pass for this to work and if not it would come down to the final numbers.
Mrs. Cohagen thanked Falls Township for their service and stated existing tax levy has been money well spent and offered her support and any assistance needed with the support of this additional levy.
Maniaci presented and read the resolution for adoption (see attached in its entirely) The Board of Township Trustees of Muskingum Township, Muskingum County, Ohio met in regular session on July 11, 2013, at the office of the township, with the following members present: Michael G. Maniaci, Steve Fusner, Matt Hittle.
Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, RC 5705.191, RC 5705.25, RC 5705.26 for the purpose of providing and maintaining fire and medical equipment, personnel and services.
Mr. Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael G. Maniaci ayed
Steve Fusner ayed
Matt Hittle ayed
Adopted the 11th day of July, 2013.
Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, certified the foregoing is taken and copied from the record of the proceedings of said Township. The Fiscal Officer is directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Muskingum County requesting that the County Auditor certify this Board the total current tax valuation of Muskingum Township and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated annually by the two and five-tenths (2.5) mill levy.
Maniaci opened for additional old business.
Maniaci opened for comments regarding the walking trail. Fusner stated that Curtis indicated there is not enough space to take our mowers on the trail. Fusner re-iterated that he opposed using our budget on the trail. Mrs. Cohagen opposed using the township budget on the trail. Maniaci indicated the trail could be beneficial to the township and residents. Maniaci re-iterated that the trustees, if not all in agreement, would not approve the walking trail maintenance request.
Maniaci provided update on patching of roads in preparation for chip-seal. We have 3 or 4 more days of patching left before chip-seal.
Maniaci asked about status of Whit Court and county engineer estimate. Hittle stated that Doug Davis sent a text indicating the estimate to be a total of $92,000 and will email a PDF file of the estimate. Hittle stated he is yet to receive the file from Doug Davis. Trustees re-iterated that over 50% of the residents of Whit Court would have to pass a petition to proceed.
Maniaci asked about status of Mrs. Jenkins fence issue. Hittle stated that he provided a list of fence companies and landowners to Mr. Jenkins and hasn't heard anything else to-date.
Maniaci provided follow-up on Mr. Mattingly's letter regarding retirement buy-out presented to trustees. Maniaci went on record, with all trustees in agreement, not to approve Mr. Mattingly's retirement buy-out.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about the status of the township signs on the township vehicles. Maniaci stated the decals have not been added but will have on the trucks by the next regular meeting.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for an update on using the township as shelter facility. Maniaci stated that the Red Cross has approved the building and the Fire Department installed fire alarms. We are waiting on the Red Cross to complete the certification paper work. Maniaci indicated he would follow-up.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Fusner gave an update on the Ohio Township Association meeting he attended. Fusner indicated topics addressed included local government cuts, consolidation of local township associations, risk consultation, safety training, and available grants.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about the property located across from Dollar General at 6415 State Route 60 in need of mowing. Maniaci stated trustees would follow-up on it.
Maniaci moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
July 16th Special Meeting
July 16, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Special Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in special session on July 16, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. in the Fire Building for the specific purpose to adopt a resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, RC 5705.191, RC 5705.25, RC 5705.26. All trustees and fiscal officer were present.
There were no residents in attendance.
Maniaci called to order the special meeting and read the above mentioned resolution. The Board of Township Trustees of Muskingum Township, Muskingum County, Ohio met in Special session on July 16, 2013, at the office of the township, with the following members present: Michael G. Maniaci, Steve Fusner, and Matt Hittle.
Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, RC 5705.191, RC 5705.25, RC 5705.26.
Mr. Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael G. Maniaci ayed
Steve Fusner ayed
Matt Hittle ayed
Adopted the 16th day of July, 2013.
Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, certified the foregoing is taken and copied from the record of the proceedings of said Township. The Fiscal Officer is directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Muskingum County requesting that the County Auditor certify this Board the total current tax valuation of Muskingum Township and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated annually by the two and five-tenths (2.5) mill levy.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
August 2013 Regular Meeting
August 1, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on August 1, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 3 residents present.
The July 16th special meeting minutes were read and approved.
The regular minutes were read. Mrs. Cohagen commented on the regular minutes read and having not mentioned a question ask by Mr. Miller regarding what funds the payments for township garage and cemetery mowing were paid from. Fiscal Officer Baughman stated he missed these comments in the minutes. Maniaci made a motion to have Fiscal Officer amend the minutes to include the question and comments from Mr. Miller and the trustees would have to wait to approve the minutes as amended at the next meeting.
Maniaci stated he spoke with Chief Brown about the funds and proper classification. Maniaci stated that Brown said Falls Fire Department had similar situation with Falls trustees and proper coding of payments for mowing around the township building and the decision reached was not to continue to pay out of the fire fund.
Maniaci made resolution to pay now and moving forward, monies for the contracted services for mowing of the township garage and cemeteries out of the general fund. Fusner seconded. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci made resolution for the general fund to reimburse the fire fund for the $425 monies paid during April through June 2013 for the contracted mowing of township garage and cemetery. Hittle seconded. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Cohagen asked if the township garage and cemetery mowing contracted was paid the same way in prior years, as previously discussed. Baughman stated prior years payments were paid similar.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about the status of the decals on the township vehicles. Maniaci apologized for the delay and will get the decals on the vehicles. Mrs. Cohagen stated she also sees the decals as a liability. Maniaci mentioned an instance occurring last winter with Mr. Ron Thomas, where our township trucks were mistaken for backing into some stones at the entrance of Stone Henge. After doing some investigating Maniaci stated that our trucks were mistaken for the trash trucks.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about any follow-up on the property on Route 60 across from Dollar General. Fusner stated they would have follow-up and get back on this property.
Maniaci stated chip-seal has been completed.
Maniaci asked about Whitt Court. Hittle stated that he spoke the gentlemen from Whitt Court regarding Doug Davis's estimate, the additional bond involved and their next steps if they wanted to proceed with the road project.
Mr. Dunfee asked the trustees about the micro-seal that was discussed last year. Maniaci stated we did not proceed with any micro-seal of roads last year or this year. Maniaci stated that roads with a good base would work best with the micro-seal and the price is closer to 2/3 of asphalt rather that 1/2 of what micro-seal was stating.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci stated he did not receive a fire report at the time of the meeting and would have to report at the next regular meeting.
Maniaci stated that some drainage issues have been identified in and around our township roads. Identified were: Rollins Drive, Northcrest, Vern Door, and Idlewood. Fusner stated Rollins drive needs 18" culverts instead of smaller 12" culverts that were originally installed. Maniaci also stated the trustees believe larger 24" culverts are needed on the Hankes, Rollins Drive and also recommended for the Northcrest drainage problems. Mrs. Cohagen mentioned Epply and Vanderbark areas to take a look at also. Mrs. Sharon Steinmetz, resident on Rollins Drive, presented trustees with some pictures of the water issues on Rollins Maniaci left message with Doug Davis and the trustees will get with Doug Davis to discuss the drainage issue and solutions on the roads identified.
Maniaci stated that Curtis and Charlie were working on a new grader and needed to refill the propane tanks. By using what's left and refilling the tanks is actually about $400 less expensive than continuing to incur monthly rental fee.
Fusner stated that we need to send Joe Zimmerman, 3400 Gorsuch Road, a bill for $180 for a 30' culvert. Fusner also mentioned Mr. Zimmerman mentioned wanting to install an underground electric line. Fusner stated he spoke with Curtis and AEP
Fusner asked about $500 grant and would talk to Curtis about identifying safety items needed that would apply toward the grant.
Fusner stated he received a call from Cotterman at Hickory Hills. Curtis will have to go up to rip rap the ditch.
Fusner stated the new home built by Matt Stotts up at Oakwood 3 North installed a little 6" culvert in the driveway and could be a concern to look at down the road.
Hittle stated the stop sign issue on Rollins Drive was fixed by Doug Davis shortly after Hittle contacted Doug.
Maniaci read a resolution determining to proceed with the submission to the electors of the question of levying a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, 5705.191, 5705.25, 5705.26. Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution, Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed, adopted the 1st day of August, 2013, witnessed and certified, Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, this 1st day of August, 2013.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
September 2013 Regular Meeting
September 5, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on September 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 5 residents present.
The August regular minutes were read approved.
The amendment to the July regular meeting minutes were read and approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Fiscal Officer Baughman presented the following resolution:
Resolution 9-5-2013A Re-Align Appropriations
Upon the recommendation of the Fiscal Officer, The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to realign the following appropriation from one account to another within the same fund per ORC 5705.14 and 5705.16.
Line Item Increase (Decrease) Amount
General Fund - Other Expenses Decrease ($500)
General Fund – Tax Collection Fees Increase $500
Road & Bridge – Other Expenses Decrease ($1,500)
Road & Bridge – Tax Collection Fees Increase $1,500
Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution, Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on meeting with Doug Davis on drainage issues on Northcrest. Mrs. Pulley, Northcrest resident addressed trustees and indicated that she has had water issues over the eight years she has resided on Northcrest. Maniaci stated that he spoke with Doug Davis and determined the trouble lies further up where the water runs away from Northcrest and the size of the culverts is not always the issue. Charlie and Curtis cleaned out some obstructions but the culverts on the properties further up may need cleaned. The township has no right away to maintain these ditches that reside behind these properties and unfortunately looking at a civil matter rather than the township. Hittle indicated that the low areas with that lies ahead of Mrs. Pulley’s property on Northcrest where the water is being backed up needs proper drainage ditches but unfortunately would involve hiring an outside contractor, address with Mr. Thomas the owner of the property or speak with the engineers. Doug Davis did mention that the ditches on Mr. Thomas property needs cleaned and straightened out. Fusner indicated Bob Moore’s property was having similar issues. Hittle indicated that the water will eventually move as he had indicated to Mr. and Mrs. Steinmetz which had similar issues.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up with the property on Rt. 60. Fusner indicated the property is in foreclosure but nothing else. Mrs. Cohagen said that she had spoke with a young lady from Eaglepoint subdivision who indicated that there were many homes in foreclosure in the subdivision that had not been mowed and had overgrown ditches. Shirley McCollister has these properties listed and has sent letters about the conditions but nothing has been done.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolutions:
Resolution 9-5-2013B Transfer of Funds
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to transfer $1,020 from the general fund to the fire fund for monies spent during 2012 for the contracted mowing services of township buildings and cemeteries incurred and approve current and future payments for said services from the general fund. Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Resolution 9-5-2013C Transfer of Funds
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to transfer $464 from the general fund to the fire fund for monies spent during 2013 for the contracted mowing services of township buildings and cemeteries incurred and approve current and future payments for said services from the general fund. Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed
Fiscal Officer presented trustees with the copy of receipt from the Muskingum County Board of Elections for the additional fire levy to be placed on November 5, 2013 ballot.
Fusner asked about the $500 Safety Grant. Fiscal Officer presented the Safety Grant application for the trustees to discuss with Charlie and Curtis on identifying items to include as part of the $500 Safety Grant award.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports and stated that Falls Fire Department’s new software system is still a work in progress and speak with them about getting run times.
July 17 EMS runs August 23 EMS Runs
3 Emergency Runs
ART (average response time) 5.33 minutes
Maniaci presented salt pricing from Cargill. The salt price for this year is $48.84 per ton from Cargill under the state cooperative purchasing contract.
Maniaci stated that Brenton Baker asked about installing a culvert at the Tri-Valley Youth League soccer fields that were being built between the Greens at Vista and the Apartments on Vista View Drive. Maniaci indicated that this was a county road and spoke with Doug Davis about the township installing the culverts for the TVYL. Doug Davis drew up the plans for free which called for a 30’ culvert. TVYL would purchase the culverts. Hittle made motion to install the culverts for the youth league. Maniaci seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci asked trustees about thoughts on any additional township paving this year or just continue to do additional patch work. Maniaci recommended continued patch work instead of paving. Trustees agreed to continue patch work rather than additional paving.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolution:
Resolution 9-5-2013D Adoption of Tax Budget, 2014 Certificate of Estimated Resources
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township move to adopt, this 5th day of September 2013, the following Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing on January 1st, 2014 where the Budget Commission of Muskingum County certified the following amounts and rates:
Amounts inside the 10 Mill Limitation $279,040,
Amounts outside the 10 Mill Limitation $103,480
Total budget estimated $382,520
Other Sources $210,133
Estimated Carryover $35,052
Total Estimated Resources $627,706
Maniaci moved to adopt the resolution. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal Officer provided an update on the township's dental and vision policy. Baughman indicated that Sun Life and Health Insurance converted our current dental and vision insurance plan to another underwriting company effective August 1st. Effective August 1st, the vision benefit was discontinued by Sun Life. Baughman stated that he received various communications from Sun Life regarding the conversion and upcoming changes to the plan and takes responsibility for not identifying this discontuation of vision benefit prior to the August 1st date. Due to the lapse period created from the discontinued vision benefit, Baughman presented the trustees with dental and vision quotes from Rankin & Rankin Insurance and Wichert Insurance and the savings to compare with Sun Life. Baughman also indicated he spoke with Mr. Bud Chess about the insurance reimbursement policy, the Ohio Revised Code on reimbursement and the following resolution presented to the trustees for approval of such insurance benefit reimbursement.
Mrs. Cohagen asked what the reimbursement amount would be and indicated that this amount should only be what was originally covered under the previous vision plan that was discontinued. Maniaci agreed that the reimbursement amount would only be what would have been covered under the original Sun Life vision policy that was in place before the discontinued date.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolution:
Resolution 9-5-2013E, Insurance Reimbursement pursuant to O.R.C. 505.60, 505.601(D), (F)
The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township, pursuant to O.R.C. 505.60, 505.601, 505.60(F), due to the termination of vision benefit by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company and the transition to a replacement policy and lapse benefit period created, approve reimbursement of out-of-pocket vision benefit cost incurred during the lapse period, for trustees, fiscal officer, and employees, that would have been covered under the existing policy having not been terminated by Sun Life Health Insurance Company. Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner abstained, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal Officer presented trustees with dental and vision insurance quotes for approval:
Maniaci made motion to approve and procure township dental and vision insurance with Wichert Insurance. The projected savings under Wichert Insurance compared to Sun Life and Rankin & Rankin quotes is approximately $1,261 annually. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner abstained, Hittle ayed.
Fusner stated that he spoke with Mrs. Parimeter that lives on Welch Road and that she does not want a speed limit sign in front of her property.
Fiscal Officer asked the trustees to inquire on the house located on Dresden Road, near Scott Battery, that looks as if it has been abandoned. Baughman indicated that an addition was being built but hasn't seen any activity for a couple of months now and the property is in need of mowing and clean-up.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Fusner. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
October 2013 Regular Meeting
October 3, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on October 3, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 4 residents present.
The September regular minutes were read approved.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on Northcrest Drive Culvert.
Maniaci stated he spoke with Jason Thomas. Jason Thomas stated that Heritage Court(Oakwood North 3) was going to be paved in October. As for taking a dozer and cleaning out the ditch causing the water issues he would rather not. Maniaci indicated if the water issue is a danger to our roads, we (township) can go in and fix it. Mr. Thomas was in agreement to sign off allowing us to come in and clean-up the ditches causing the water issues.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on Babbs Road Culvert.
Maniaci indicated after talking with Doug Davis, Davis stated that when you change a culvert you change the top and not the bottom. Mr. Helbling's ditch is a mess and needs cleaned out and once Mr. Helbling's ditch is cleaned the water should run out with no issues at all.
Mrs. Cohagen asked if there was some legal way for us to go into Mr. Helbling's property to clean out the ditch since the surface water creates a health hazard and prohibits us from maintaining. Fusner indicated the ditch from the trailer park from Crestmont to Creamery also may be contributing to the problem. Maniaci stated that since Mr. Helbling has issues with the county commissioners, which may or may not bring in EPA, Maniaci indicated that because the water issues involving Mr. Helbling's property does not affect our roads, I won't subject the township and tax dollars to another lawsuit. If we can help we will spend a little time and money where we can.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on Eaglepoint Drive mowing. Maniaci indicated that we mowed what we could mow what we could mow.
Mrs. Cohagen asked for follow-up on property on Rt. 60. Fusner indicated that the property is in foreclosure and after talking with Bud Chess, he says to stay out of it when dealing with foreclosed properties. Maniaci indicated, excluding foreclosures, legally the property only needs to be mowed two times per year minimum. The owner of the property, Ms. Charlotte Fuldon, is deceased and the property may be in an estate or in probate court.
Fusner updated status on the $500 safety grant. Fusner discussed signs and uniforms to order so we could take advantage of the safety grant.
Hittle provided update on Ms. Jenkins fence issue located on Gorsuch Road. Hittle spoke with Ms. Jenkins and ran into Mr. Shirer and indicated that by the time Hittle left his discussion with Mr. Shirer, they were working on a potential splitting of the cost between the two. Maniaci and Hittle indicated that they would look at the law regarding line fencing again.
Hittle indicated he spoke with Mrs. Drumell requested a new culvert.
Baughman inquired about progress on Dresden Road property. Trustees looked at it but nothing has been done to-date.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Mrs. Violet Kovaleski indicated that she has lived in Muskingum Township since 1950 and is moving out of the township. She wanted to thank the trustees for all of their work since she has resided in Muskingum Township and will cast her ballot one last time for our township this November before she leaves.
Maniaci indicated that he received estimates for asphalt patching since it is too big for Charlie and Curtis to take care of. One estimate from Birkheimer/Jan Crawmer for $12,925 and one from Neff Paving for $16,000. Maniaci made motion to accept estimate from Birkheimer/Jan Crawmer for $12,925 for asphalt patch work. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports:
September 17 EMS runs A.R.T. 7.00 minutes
2 Fire run A.R.T. 5:16 minutes
Fusner inquired since Mr. Ron Thomas is paving the section of Oakwood 3 what the cost would be to do the section from the apartments to the park where the tennis courts are to the cross-over and if Ron would do this also. Maniaci would speak with Mr. Thomas.
Hittle indicated that he spoke with the resident on Saad Court about decision not to pave this year and would discuss next year when it comes time to decide on roads to pave.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
November 7, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on November 7, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 9 residents present.
The October regular minutes were read approved. Hittle motioned to approve minutes. Fusner seconded. Maniaci ayed.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Fiscal Officer presented the following resolution for Trustees approval.
Resolution #11-7-2013, Realign Appropriations
Upon the recommendation of the Fiscal Officer, The board of Trustees of Muskingum Township finds it necessary to realign the following appropriation from one account to another within the same fund per ORC 5705.14 and 5705.16.
Line Item Increase (Decrease) Amount
General Fund - Other Expenses Decrease ($1,200)
General Fund – Telephone Expenses Increase $1,200
Road & Bridge – Contract Service Decrease ($4,650.37)
Road & Bridge – Principle Increase $4,336.22
Road & Bridge - Interest Increase $314.15
Fire Fund - Operating Supplies Decrease ($24,528.87)
Fire Fund - Other Expenses Decrease ($15,471.13)
Fire Fund - Contract Services Increase $40,000.00
Maniaci motioned to adopt resolution, Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Fiscal officer presented “then-and-now” appropriation to allocate principle and interest on final loan payment on the Backhoe for $4,650.37. The “then-and-now” appropriation certifies the “then” availability of funds at the time of the 3-7-2013 appropriation. Maniaci made motion to accept “then-and-now” appropriation #3-2013. Fusner seconded. Roll call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed
Maniaci opened for old business.
Mr. Dunfee from Licking Township addressed the difference in payment from what Matt Russell at the county engineers office calculated for chip-seal of .03 tenths of a mile for Vanderbark Drive. Maniaci stated we paid the $330 from what Matt Russell had calculated for us to pay. Mr. Dunfee stated they put on .04 tenths. Maniaci told Mr. Dunfee to send us an invoice.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci stated Oakwood North has been paved and we need to send this to the county to begin assessment of tax.
Maniaci stated that the patching of roads from Birkheimer would begin Wednesday of next week. Maniaci stated that for an additional $1,000 they would patch over in front of Jacks Fairway, Williamsburg Square and that Mr. Evan Atkinson stated he would cover this cost.
Maniaci stated that he wasn’t able to get in contact with the homeowner on Dresden Road, however the property has been mowed and cleaned up since the last meeting.
Maniaci stated that he spoke with Brad Stubbins regarding Eaglepoint properties and gave him an estimate for the mowing and Brad stated it was too much money. Brad stated he would have to get with Shirley McCollister to get these properties mowed. Maniaci indicated that he hasn’t heard back from Brad and nothing has been done to-date.
Mrs. Cohagen asked if there was something in the ORC that addresses this and would allow us to take care of the mowing for these properties. Maniaci stated we would have to first send them a letter addressing the properties in need of mowing. Maniaci stated he is waiting to hear back from Brad Stubbins and Shirley McCollister before proceeding with the letters.
Maniaci stated he has no information to report about on the property on Route 60 to-date.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports:
October 11 EMS runs A.R.T. 8.21 minutes
3 Fire run A.R.T. (unable to determine from report)
Maniaci stated he received a phone call from a lady on Shannon Valley Road regarding a propane tank on a right away. Maniaci spoke with Doug Davis and this is a county issue and not a township road.
Fusner stated he received letter from OTARMA regarding risk management. Fusner stated that based on the recommendations and forms provided by OTARMA we haven't identified any issues that would require us to update the forms they provided.
Fusner stated he received a letter from Shirley Wood thanking the trustees for all the mowing, cleaning of ditches and roads that has been done.
Maniaci made motion to continue to extend our policy of providing insurance benefits and reimbursement for the township employees and officers if they choose to participate. Fusner seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Fusner ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that before we adjourn, he would like to thank Steve Fusner and present a cake to him as Steve will be retiring at the end of November after 24 years of service as trustee.
Fusner moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer
December 5, 2013
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Regular Meeting.
OPENING: The Muskingum Township Trustees met in regular session on December 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fire Building. All trustees and fiscal officer were present. There were 4 residents present.
The November regular minutes were read approved. Maniaci motioned to approve minutes. Hittle seconded.
Checks were approved and signed for payment.
Maniaci opened for old business.
Maniaci stated Mrs. Sellars wanted everyone to know that the reason she was not at the meetings was due to an accident she had her residence and suffered some broken bones and would not be attending the meetings for a while as she will be rehabbing from her accident. Maniaci wished her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Cohagen asked about mowing of Eaglepoint properties. Maniaci stated Brad Stubbins and Shirley McCollister found someone to mow them for $100 a property and as of today 3 of the 5 have been done and they were working on the others.
Maniaci provided update on residence on 2615 Frazeysburg Road. Maniaci went to records department, there is no estate and the property is sitting there in limbo while Medicaid has a lien on the property. Maniaci indicated that the attorney handling the property stated there is no immediate family, next of kin, the house is paid off and no family is interested in the property. In some situations where there is no one to force this into an estate, the property is just left to be until someone buys the property. At this moment, Maniaci indicated we are in a wait and see if the attorney can force it to and estate. Maniaci would get with Bud Chess regarding the process to send the appropriate letters and any rules that would allow us to mow the property since there is no estate and a lien on the home.
Maniaci stated Fiscal Officer indicated letter received regarding our credit card indicating it was still opened even though we notified them to close the account. Maniaci indicated, in the meantime, we will keep it opened until our new account is resolved.
Maniaci opened for new business.
Maniaci presented the following Fire and EMS run reports for November:
19 EMS runs (7 at 1 resident) A.R.T. 7.00 minutes
2 Non-Emergency Fire run A.R.T. 11.08 minutes
1 Fire Run A.R.T. 15 minutes
Maniaci stated that National Gas and Oil Co-operative is requesting an easement for some work on Creamery Road at the intersection of Welch and St.Mary's. Hittle stated he would contact Doug Davis since Creamery is not legally our road. Maniaci made motion to go ahead and approve the easement if the County Engineer approves this after Hittle discusses this with Doug. Hittle seconded. Roll Call: Maniaci ayed, Hittle ayed.
Maniaci stated that since the fire levy that was placed on this past Novembers ballot failed to pass in our township we wanted to get the process started again this evening of getting the levy placed on the May 2014 ballot. Maniaci stated to Mr. Fell, even though you are not officially sitting in right now, Maniaci offered Mr. Fell the floor to offer his opinion on the fire levy before we proceed with the resolution. Mr. Fell indicated that the overwhelming opinion was that the residents of our township were not happy with the presentation of the levy and the confusion and non-committal to our township that was presented by Falls Fire Department. Fire levies typically always pass and Falls relied on that alone. Maniaci agreed and also indicated there was even confusion amongst some at time of casting their ballots and the entire presentation of the fire levy for our township was handled poorly.
Maniaci stated this is a process of placing the fire levy on the ballot and tonight is the first step. Maniaci presented the following resolution, The Board of Township Trustees of Muskingum Township, Muskingum County, Ohio met in regular session on December 5, 2013, at the office of the township, with the following members present: Michael G. Maniaci, Matt Hittle. Mr. Maniaci moved the adoption of the resolution declaring the necessity to levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation, RC 5705.19, 5705.191, 5705.25, 5705.26 for the purpose of providing and maintaining fire and medical equipment, personnel and services. The levy shall be submitted to electors for approval on the May 6, 2014 ballot. Adopted the 5th day of December 5, 2013. Jason T. Baughman, Fiscal Officer of Muskingum Township, certified the foregoing is taken and copied from the record of the proceedings of said Township and directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Muskingum County requesting that the County Auditor certify this Board the total current tax valuation of Muskingum Township and dollar amount of revenue generated annually by the two and five-tenths (2.5) mill levy.
Mr. Hittle seconded the resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows:
Michael Maniaci ayed
Matt Hittle ayed
Mrs. Cohagen asked about getting the minutes updated on the website. Maniaci stated we would as issues with credit card has stalled this and would work on the updating.
Maniaci wanted to make mentioned that in an effort to keep our roads in as good condition as we can, preventative maintenance, we will be looking at some sort of crack-sealing for our roads in 2014. We will explore options available with the vendors while attending Columbus show this year. Mr. Fell indicated his driveway was recently crack-sealed and the seal dries instantly and should provide another 5-10 years out of the driveway.
Maniaci stated the end of the year meeting will be held on Monday, December 30, 2013 at 7pm and the 2014 Re-Organizational meeting will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 7pm.
Hittle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Maniaci. All ayed.
Jason T. Baughman, CPA, Fiscal Officer